
使用 Confluence 改变团队合作。了解为什么 Confluence 是所有团队的内容协作中心。免费获取




Atlassian 使用 Confluence 作为知识管理工具,支持我们从头脑风暴直至最终决策归档的决策流程。





了解自己的决策风格并不妨碍您做出明智的决定。我们都有一定程度上可信的个人直觉和职业直觉,但分析、研究和事实可为有效的决策提供支持。在 PwC 对高管人员开展的一次调研中,他们发现,数据驱动型组织在决策方面得到改善的可能性是那些对数据依赖程度较低的组织的三倍

有无数的决策模型可以帮您做出明智的选择,而在寻找适当的技巧时,最终的决定因素是您的团队构成和您的领导风格。许多团队更喜欢 SWOT 分析,它会概述决策的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而准确衡量收益和风险。


了解自己的决策风格并不妨碍您做出明智的决定。我们都有一定程度上可信的个人直觉和职业直觉,但分析、研究和事实可为有效的决策提供支持。在 PwC 对高管人员开展的一次调研中,他们发现,数据驱动型组织在决策方面得到改善的可能性是那些对数据依赖程度较低的组织的三倍

有无数的决策模型可以帮您做出明智的选择,而在寻找适当的技巧时,最终的决定因素是您的团队构成和您的领导风格。许多团队更喜欢 SWOT 分析,它会概述决策的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而准确衡量收益和风险。

1. End-to-end agile project management: Jira Software

Jira Software facilitates breaking complex projects into manageable sprints, so businesses can deliver continuous value to their customers through iterative development and project management. Whether tracking sprint tasks, customer issues, or bugs, Jira gives project managers the tools to map dependencies, identify roadblocks, and remain always current on status.

Jira Software natively integrates with Jira Work Management, allowing project managers to merge tasks from other areas, such as marketing, for a holistic view of the project. This allows teams to work the way they are accustomed to while standardizing project management across the company.

Combining Jira Software and Confluence creates a seamless end-to-end project management solution, enabling real-time collaboration, documentation, and efficient sharing of supporting information. Everything related to the project, such as roadmaps, specifications, user stories, customer input, and more remains accessible and discoverable during and after the project.   

Together, Jira Software, Confluence, and Jira Work Management provide a complete solution with a variety of Jira and project management templates to help teams get started immediately.

While Jira Software is often used by software development teams, it’s also used across a variety of disciplines, including marketing, finance, legal, and more.

2. Cross-team visibility: Jira Work Management

Coordinating projects across multiple teams, like development and marketing, often highlights each discipline's unique work approach. Good project managers don't impose rigid structures but instead work within each team's processes.

Jira Work Management synchronizes tasks across the company to encompass all teams involved with a collaborative approach. Such work management solutions allow project managers to identify dependencies between business areas, manage resource allocation, and track tasks related to the project in one visual workflow. This engages and motivates the broader team for faster and more accurate results.

3. Knowledge management: Confluence

Every project generates supporting information that team members need to meet the goals. User stories, requirements, product specifications, and external details like integration information should all be easily accessible and linked to the project.

Confluence provides a central repository that brings knowledge management into the product development lifecycle.

4. Real-time communication: Slack

Slack offers instant access to team members all over the world for quick and efficient interactions. During customer meetings, it empowers team members to gather updates, ask questions, and find information without interrupting the flow of the meeting.

Slack also supports channels, which are groups of teams working on similar tasks or with similar skills, to enhance communication and maintain focus. Many remote teams find that Slack keeps them connected, fostering a sense of collaboration similar to working in the same office.

Slack integrates with Jira Software, allowing teams to set notifications on issues and tasks, tag team members, and capture discussions.

5. Project collaboration: Confluence

Confluence supports easy collaboration in one central repository for the project’s supporting information. During discovery, this includes customer feedback, roadmaps, and requirements. Once in progress, the product specification is critical for keeping the team focused. After the fact, during the project retrospective, the team can capture wins and identify opportunities for improvement.

With Confluence, team members can collaborate in real-time by creating and editing pages, adding images, code, and tables, and tagging others. Project managers can also link Jira tasks to Confluence documents, ensuring a single source of truth.

6. Task management automation: Jira Software

Real-time visual status updates make Jira Software an effective tool for task management, and with Jira automation, teams can focus on important things instead of busy work.

Its built-in templates allow teams to easily identify repetitive tasks and automate them. Anyone on the agile team can sync tasks across projects and products because it doesn't require coding. Jira automation also integrates with commonly used tools such as Slack, Bitbucket, and GitHub.

7. Online whiteboard and visual planning: Confluence

Confluence whiteboards give teams a collaborative space for brainstorming, visualizing, and turning ideas into actions in real-time or asynchronously. Features such as stamps, votes, timers, and more make it easy to share ideas and make collaborative decisions, even for remote teams. Teams can also connect decisions to Jira issues and other project areas without leaving the whiteboard.

8. Prioritization and roadmapping: Jira Product Discovery

Before teams can develop solutions, they must first define the product strategy and roadmap. Jira Product Discovery is a centralized tool for capturing and prioritizing ideas, aligning stakeholders, and building the roadmap.

With collaborative idea generation, teams can prioritize ideas based on impact versus effort, which supports Scrum activities such as backlog refinement and sprint planning. Jira Product Discovery includes templates for end-to-end product development, including strategy and roadmaps, requirements, and task tracking—all of which are customizable.

9. Async video messaging: Loom

Asynchronous communication allows team members to stay focused on the work until a natural break is available to receive updates and new information. Project managers are careful to update the team when it makes the most sense for each member. 

Loom lets project managers turn non-urgent information into videos that team members can fit into their own schedules. With today’s geographically dispersed teams, it allows everyone to remain informed, no matter what time zone they work in.


决策时,您需要采取的第一步行动就是确定您的团队需要解决的问题。创建一个 Confluence 页面,从中可以直观展示问题,以及负责解决问题的人员。清楚阐明问题有助于确保每个人都了解自己需要制定什么决策,原因是什么。这个问题会产生怎样的影响?哪些目标能证实您的解决方案取得了成功?



评估团队的选择,并使用一种框架制定决策。您可能需要集体努力或进一步评估,此时就是框架的用武之地。您可能会发现,您提出的原始框架(比如 SWOT 分析)不够全面,无法得出您需要的解决方案。鼓励您的团队出谋划策,共同确定合适的框架,这将有助于提高决策的透明度,并明确他们的工作量。

在制定决策后,通过 Trello 或 Jira Work Management 之类的项目管理工具来实施、测试和监控。坚持在 Confluence 中记录进度,以便将来可以参考它来复制这一次的表现,或迭代进步。






目标和关键成果 (OKR):在做出决策时要牢记目标。OKR 专为持续发展而设计,可以起到“北极星”的作用,让您在项目期间做出各个决策时保持正确方向。

Confluence 中的决策

无论您选择哪种模型,您的团队都可以共同努力,在 Confluence 中构建和记录您的决策框架。我们有 DACI 模板、SWOT 分析模板、设计决策模板和投票表格模板等等

Confluence 中的决策

无论您选择哪种模型,您的团队都可以共同努力,在 Confluence 中构建和记录您的决策框架。我们有 DACI 模板、SWOT 分析模板、设计决策模板和投票表格模板等等






使用 Confluence 为每个团队实现更快的内容协作
