
使用 Confluence 改变团队合作。了解为什么 Confluence 是所有团队的内容协作中心。免费获取




Atlassian 使用 Confluence 作为知识管理工具,支持我们从头脑风暴直至最终决策归档的决策流程。





了解自己的决策风格并不妨碍您做出明智的决定。我们都有一定程度上可信的个人直觉和职业直觉,但分析、研究和事实可为有效的决策提供支持。在 PwC 对高管人员开展的一次调研中,他们发现,数据驱动型组织在决策方面得到改善的可能性是那些对数据依赖程度较低的组织的三倍

有无数的决策模型可以帮您做出明智的选择,而在寻找适当的技巧时,最终的决定因素是您的团队构成和您的领导风格。许多团队更喜欢 SWOT 分析,它会概述决策的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而准确衡量收益和风险。

Initiation phase

The initiation phase marks the beginning of a project, with the project manager defining the scope and objectives. During this phase, it’s vital to align stakeholders on common goals and lay the foundation for a successful project.

Next, the project manager creates a project charter, outlining the purpose, goals, and scope of the project. This charter includes the following key information:

  • Project purpose and justification
  • Main objectives and deliverables
  • Key stakeholders and team members
  • Initial schedule and budget estimates

The project manager also conducts a feasibility assessment to determine if the project is realistic and worthwhile.

Planning phase

During the planning phase, the project manager develops a detailed project plan and roadmap. This involves determining key scheduling details, resource allocation, and risks that could impact the project. The goal is to create a comprehensive map of how the team will execute the work.

Jira Product Discovery (JPD) helps gather and organize product ideas, features, and solutions, creating custom, up-to-date roadmaps that show which features the team will build, when, and why. JPD helps project managers identify and prioritize ideas or features that will have the most substantial impact on the project's success. 

Execution phase

During the execution phase, the team puts the project plan into action. The project manager plays a key role in coordinating resources, including people, tools, and materials, while also ensuring the team is well-informed about their individual tasks and timelines.

Jira Software (JSW) and Jira Work Management (JWM) offer simplified project tracking and enable seamless project management across both software and business teams, all while accommodating each team's unique working style. Jira Software is an Agile project management tool, while Jira Work Management (JWM) is a collaboration tool that helps teams track work activities.

Jira provides end-to-end management of this critical stage. The platform handles the day-to-day demands of executing complex projects, freeing up teams to focus on delivering work rather than struggling with spreadsheets and disjointed tools.

With Jira Software and Jira Work Management, project managers can assign tasks, set deadlines, and automate reminders so nothing slips through the cracks. With all their work in one place, they can understand how each task impacts the timeline and budget. This allows for immediate adjustments to keep the project moving forward.

Monitoring and controlling phase

The monitoring and controlling phase involves regularly checking project progress and team performance to ensure everything adheres to the project plan.

During this phase, the project manager identifies any deviations from the plan and budget, determining the cause to take corrective action. Tools such as status reports, time tracking, budget reports, risk management plans, and stakeholder reviews make it easy to see the most important metrics and milestones. To make changes to the plan, team members should submit a change request for approval. 

Closing phase

The closing phase marks the formal end of a project. During this phase, the focus is on getting final approvals and sign-offs, conducting a post-project review, identifying what went well, determining areas for improvement, and documenting lessons learned. These activities foster a culture of continuous learning and promote accountability and transparency.


了解自己的决策风格并不妨碍您做出明智的决定。我们都有一定程度上可信的个人直觉和职业直觉,但分析、研究和事实可为有效的决策提供支持。在 PwC 对高管人员开展的一次调研中,他们发现,数据驱动型组织在决策方面得到改善的可能性是那些对数据依赖程度较低的组织的三倍

有无数的决策模型可以帮您做出明智的选择,而在寻找适当的技巧时,最终的决定因素是您的团队构成和您的领导风格。许多团队更喜欢 SWOT 分析,它会概述决策的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而准确衡量收益和风险。


决策时,您需要采取的第一步行动就是确定您的团队需要解决的问题。创建一个 Confluence 页面,从中可以直观展示问题,以及负责解决问题的人员。清楚阐明问题有助于确保每个人都了解自己需要制定什么决策,原因是什么。这个问题会产生怎样的影响?哪些目标能证实您的解决方案取得了成功?



评估团队的选择,并使用一种框架制定决策。您可能需要集体努力或进一步评估,此时就是框架的用武之地。您可能会发现,您提出的原始框架(比如 SWOT 分析)不够全面,无法得出您需要的解决方案。鼓励您的团队出谋划策,共同确定合适的框架,这将有助于提高决策的透明度,并明确他们的工作量。

在制定决策后,通过 Trello 或 Jira Work Management 之类的项目管理工具来实施、测试和监控。坚持在 Confluence 中记录进度,以便将来可以参考它来复制这一次的表现,或迭代进步。


了解自己的决策风格并不妨碍您做出明智的决定。我们都有一定程度上可信的个人直觉和职业直觉,但分析、研究和事实可为有效的决策提供支持。在 PwC 对高管人员开展的一次调研中,他们发现,数据驱动型组织在决策方面得到改善的可能性是那些对数据依赖程度较低的组织的三倍

有无数的决策模型可以帮您做出明智的选择,而在寻找适当的技巧时,最终的决定因素是您的团队构成和您的领导风格。许多团队更喜欢 SWOT 分析,它会概述决策的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,从而准确衡量收益和风险。






目标和关键成果 (OKR):在做出决策时要牢记目标。OKR 专为持续发展而设计,可以起到“北极星”的作用,让您在项目期间做出各个决策时保持正确方向。

Confluence 中的决策

无论您选择哪种模型,您的团队都可以共同努力,在 Confluence 中构建和记录您的决策框架。我们有 DACI 模板、SWOT 分析模板、设计决策模板和投票表格模板等等

Confluence 中的决策

无论您选择哪种模型,您的团队都可以共同努力,在 Confluence 中构建和记录您的决策框架。我们有 DACI 模板、SWOT 分析模板、设计决策模板和投票表格模板等等






使用 Confluence 为每个团队实现更快的内容协作
