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How to create simple, robust project plans

Great project plans are more than a list of what to do and when


When most people hear “project plan,” they typically imagine a schedule—a laundry list of what to do and when. But that’s only a tiny part of it. A good project manager develops a plan that covers not only the problem they are trying to solve but also its scope, deliverables, risks, and project dependencies—charting a path to project success.

When there’s no project plan, team members can find themselves lost in a maze of complexities. They might not know where to begin, or even worse, they might dive into their tasks without clearly understanding how and when their work fits into the bigger picture.


Project planning is the process of defining the objectives, scope, and activities required to complete a project. It’s a fundamental aspect of project management that involves setting clear goals, identifying resources, estimating costs, and developing a roadmap for project success.

Project planning lays the foundation for effective execution, monitoring, and control. This process enables project managers and teams to align their efforts and resources, reducing uncertainty and increasing the chances of delivering a project on time and within budget.

What is a project plan?

A project plan is the tangible outcome of the project planning process. It is a comprehensive document that outlines the project’s key elements, including its goals and objectives, scope, schedule, resource requirements, risks, and dependencies.

A project plan serves as a roadmap for all stakeholders, providing a clear understanding of the project’s purpose, milestones, and expected outcomes. It names team members, specifies necessary project planning tools, and details the steps required to succeed.

A well-structured project plan not only guides project execution but also serves as a communication tool to keep everyone informed and aligned throughout a project’s lifecycle.

Benefits of project planning

  1. Clarity and alignment: Project planning provides a shared understanding of project objectives and scope, ensuring all team members and stakeholders are on the same page. This clarity reduces misunderstandings and conflicting expectations.
  2. Resource allocation: It helps in identifying and allocating the required resources, whether they are human, financial, or material. This optimizes resource utilization and prevents overallocation.
  3. Risk management: Project planning allows for the identification and assessment of potential risks. By planning for risks, the project team can proactively address and mitigate them.
  4. Time management: A well-structured project plan includes a timeline with milestones and task dependencies, making it easier to manage project schedules and meet deadlines.
  5. Cost control: By estimating project costs during a project’s planning phase, organizations can track and control expenses more effectively.
  6. Improved communication: The project plan serves as a communication tool that keeps all stakeholders informed, ensuring that everyone is aware of project progress, changes, and issues.
  7. Quality assurance: Planning can include quality standards and processes to ensure that the project delivers high-quality results.
  8. Increased accountability: Project plans designate task owners, making it clear who is responsible for specific activities, promoting accountability.
  9. Efficient decision-making: Planning helps define decision-making processes, making it easier to address issues and make critical decisions as they arise during the project.

Project planning process (with steps)

Using a step-by-step approach to creating a project plan might seem like putting a hat on a hat, but it’s critical to building a solid and successful strategy. Before diving into the planning process, take some time to reflect on your team, organization, available resources, and project goals. It’s essential to foster a shared understanding with your team right from the beginning of the project planning phase.

Step 1: Think of your project plan as a map


  • 目的地是什么?
  • 如何确定项目何时结束?
  • 关注这张路线图的人有谁?
  • What milestones will they pass along the way?
  • 可能会遇到什么障碍?
  • Are there any alternate routes available?

第 2 步:了解您的利益相关者

Get a read on organizational politics, difficult personalities, and possible debate points that may arise during the project management process. Larry W. Smith, PMP, Project Manager at the Software Technology Support Center, stresses the importance of stakeholder analysis. According to Smith, everyone wants the project to succeed, but forgetting to meet the needs of just one influential stakeholder could derail even the best-laid plans.

Smith 建议花点时间:

  • 明确谁是项目利益相关者
  • 了解他们的期望和影响力水平
  • 决定在项目进行过程中如何整合来自同行和利益相关者的反馈
  • 将所有需求和期望与风险规划和风险响应活动联系起来
  • 认真规划所有项目沟通策略

You can't overstate the importance of clear communication. That’s why Bernie Ferguson, Atlassian’s resident project leadership expert, starts communicating with stakeholders in the earliest stages of a project:

“We use the Project Poster technique to build a shared understanding amongst team members and stakeholders. What are we doing? What’s the value to customers and to the business? Why do we think this is the right solution? We get feedback on the answers to all these questions before anything hits the team’s roadmap.” —Bernie Ferguson, Atlassian

第 3 步:摆脱有色眼镜并绘制时间线

Project managers often make the mistake of being overly optimistic. Rather than focusing on the best possible outcome, PMs should consider problems that might arise and how they impact the project management timeline.

Performing essential due diligence, holding a “pre-mortem” workshop, or conducting one-on-one meetings with key stakeholders is a great way to identify potential roadblocks.

Consider sketching out a timeline by asking other project managers how long similar projects took to plan. Meet with teams you’ll work with to understand how long specific project tasks will take. Use project management tools and search project archives for old project schedules.


Emphasize the importance of communication by reiterating its significance. Keep all relevant parties informed about the project’s details because, after all, wouldn’t you want to be in the know? Simplified Gantt charts are an effective way of visualizing a project’s timeline so it’s easy for everyone to understand.

Step 4: Recruit friends and colleagues

As the project manager, it’s up to you to deliver the project plan (and, ultimately, the project). But this isn’t about you going off into a cubicle and writing the thing. As you develop the project plan, you must keep all key stakeholders involved. Stay in near-constant contact. You’ll find they’re excellent resources.

By gathering your team’s thoughts and brainstorming ideas together, you can arrive at meaningful conclusions quickly. Team collaboration fosters a sense of communal support and, therefore, yields better project plans.

At Atlassian, we use templates to reduce the overhead associated with the planning process and trigger discussions essential to project-planning best practices. Project plan templates are an excellent way to get people to think about aspects of project management that they may have yet to consider.

Having a good elevator pitch for your project is one thing, but creating a robust and effective plan is an entirely different undertaking. Let’s face it: Mapping out project risks and dependencies isn’t much fun. Atlassian’s powerful templates and helpful prompts allow project managers to think methodically about project plan creation, leading to fewer oversights and enhanced productivity.

选中标记checkmark提示:我们的项目计划模板是免费的,任何人都可以使用。我们甚至不会要求您提供电子邮件。点击此处获取 PDF 文件


Step 5: Think through goals and project scope

Create a problem statement that defines, in no uncertain terms, exactly what you’re trying to accomplish. Next, develop a hypothesis that states what you think should happen due to solving your problem. Then, provide a brief overview of the project’s context and any relevant data or insights that support it. Finally, establish the key metrics you will use to gauge the project’s success. These success metrics are likely to influence various aspects of your plan, shaping its direction and focus.

Ask your team members what they need, as opposed to what’s nice to have or unnecessary. Establishing a clear understanding of the project’s scope early in the planning process, including what is explicitly excluded, minimizes the risk of stakeholder miscommunication. It also aids in determining the appropriate time allocation for project contributors. This clarity makes it easier to identify and manage any changes in the project’s scope as they arise.

Step 6: Anticipate surprises

Nearly all project plans include details about budgets, project schedules, and scope. But a great plan also answers essential questions about your project, including:

  • Resources: What types of skills does the project demand? Who’s available? What’s our budget?
  • Decisions: Who will make recommendations? Who will approve or disapprove requests?
  • Communications: Who will be responsible for communicating progress and roadblocks?
  • Risk: What should team members watch out for? What’s the process for logging and tracking threats?
  • Reviews: How are you going to gather feedback before the project ships?
  • Approvals: Who else needs to sign off on this? Who is the final decision maker?
  • Timing: Do team members’ work schedules fit the project timeline? How was the deadline chosen?


选中标记Checkmark提示:使用 DACI 方法及时针对您的项目做出明智的决策。

Step 7: Choose a project management approach

Most PMs choose between a waterfall or agile approach to project management. An agile approach delivers results quickly through an iterative process that continuously evaluates project plans, requirements, and results. In this method, we consider time and resources as fixed.


第 8 步:编写并审查您的计划



  • 项目名称
  • 交付日期
  • 预算
  • 计划的目标
  • 重点里程碑和预期的可衡量影响
  • 每项任务的预计开始和完成时间
  • 标注突出显示单个任务的负责人
  • 任务细节和注释,以明确应该发生什么
  • 标注相互依赖的风险和任务(或团队),以帮助避免延误



第 9 步:分享您的计划,让大家都能看见!






  • 项目大目标和小目标
    • 将品牌知名度提高 20%。
    • 在三个月内挖掘 1,000 个商机。
    • 将春季的销售收入提高 15%。
  • 范围
    • 创建一系列线上和线下营销材料。
    • 推出新的产品线。
    • 开展数字广告营销活动。
  • 项目时间表
    • 第 1 阶段(第 1 月和第 2 个月):营销活动策略和内容创作。
    • 第 2 阶段(第 3 个月):发布和营销推广。
  • 资源
    • 营销团队(4 名成员)。
    • 广告和材料预算:50,000 美元。
  • 风险
    • 不可预测的天气会影响户外活动。
    • 市场竞争导致价格战。
  • 依赖关系
    • 完成产品开发(在营销活动启动之前)。
    • 准备好营销材料(在广告宣传之前)。
  • 质量保证
    • 定期审查和反馈会议,以确保高质量的内容。
  • 任务负责人
    • 营销活动策略:Sarah
    • 内容创作:John
    • 产品发布:Emily
    • 广告营销活动:Mark









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