
使用 Confluence 改变团队合作。了解为什么 Confluence 是所有团队的内容协作中心。免费获取










公司基础架构的核心支柱之一是他们用来完成工作的技术工具。这意味着要找到正确的软件组合,将公司引向知识共享。我们用于知识共享的两个工具是 Confluence(惊喜吗?)和 Slack。


我们利用 Confluence 撰写内部博文、共享信息、减少会议、创建战略和规划文档,以及互相讨论整个公司的胜负和经验教训。默认情况下,我们保持所有工作开放,而不是通过自动权限来限制访问权限,因此每位员工都可以访问公司的集体知识。

Confluence 页面,标题为“我们第一次本地化营销活动的成果”

You can create three different types of spaces to make your marketing knowledge base navigable:

  • Team spaces ensure that each team has a space to focus on the work that is most relevant to their specific area. This means that product marketers can keep user research insights and positioning consolidated in their space; while performance marketers can compile campaign strategy, channel plans, and retros.
  • Project spaces keep project-related information in one place. Cross-functional project teams can reference pages and work on their initiatives directly in Confluence, not having to email back and forth, where messages can easily get lost or overlooked.
  • Personal spaces store what individuals are working on. To-do lists and pages can be updated and polished before moving it to a shared space. This will help keep the collaboration documents centralized, rather than hosting every single team member’s individual work.


通过将 Slack 与 Confluence 相结合,我们消除了对电子邮件的依赖(这通常会减缓或中断开放式沟通流程)。我们可以在 Slack 中快速来回讨论,然后在 Confluence 中以上下文的形式显示后续反馈,以便之后参考。使用 Slack 作为我们的主要聊天工具可以立即共享知识,而在 Confluence 中合成这些信息则可确保信息永不丢失。

这些工具就是在 Atlassian 有效运行的工具。找到最适合您的工具对团队的工作效率至关重要。

Confluence 页面,标题为“我们第一次本地化营销活动的成果”

What’s great about labels is their versatility. Add them to Confluence pages, blog posts—or even attachments. You’re free to enter in whatever you want for the labels, categorizing them as you see fit.

For example, say you have documentation related to how email campaigns should be fun. Create a new label “email” in Confluence. Even if “email” doesn’t explicitly show up in specific pages or filenames, the tag will highlight them whenever someone searching for “email” wants to reference your marketing practices.

These labels don’t only apply to pages, either—you can also apply labels to spaces. The more your team grows, the more important it will be to establish space categories that make sense for internal groups—and labels help you manage them with a quick search.

AI-powered search in now also native in Confluence. Find the information you need without the frustrating manual labor of sifting through contextual information. You’re free to focus on work, neither needing to ask or answer questions about your documentation.




试试此方法:留出 10 分钟时间,在会议开始时先来个暖场。让团队开怀大笑,互相学习,有助于员工在随后的工作讨论中更为轻松自在。





Integrate with project management solutions

If your knowledge base doesn’t connect to other tools, is it centralized or siloed?

By integrating Confluence with the other tools your team uses the most, you keep your knowledge base responsive to your team’s evolving needs. Confluence provides the content and the context so you have everything you need to complete a project on your terms.

Here’s two examples of powerful Confluence integrations.

Using Trello and Confluence together, you can paste Trello links into Confluence with preview/edit features, allowing you to edit Trello tasks directly within Confluence. Or embed fully-interactive Trello boards on the Confluence page, ensuring your team can use the full range of Trello features within a Confluence knowledge base.

Integrating Confluence with Jira, you’ll be able to track Jira issues directly in Confluence. Keep the team aware of potential challenges right from within your knowledge base. Having Jira tasks on a Confluence page can also allow simple setups for future project timelines. Or you can use it to estimate launch dates and keep your team on track.

Create your living, breathing centralized knowledge base

It’s not that you don’t have a strong marketing plan. Sometimes, successful marketing comes down to getting an entire organization on the same page, all speaking with the same voice. You want to be more than a conversation. To set your brand messaging and marketing apart, you should be more like a stadium full of people cheering in unison.

But you can’t achieve that without internal communication. That begins with a centralized knowledge base for all of your brand and marketing insights. What branding messaging is working? What needs to be updated? Create a centralized knowledge base with Confluence and you can keep your team on the same page—and speaking with the same voice.




Confluence 模板

从产品需求到营销计划,一切皆可在 Confluence 中创建

使用 Confluence 为每个团队实现更快的内容协作

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