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Cos'è la gestione dei progetti?

Porta più progetti fino al traguardo (con meno stress)

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Project management uses skills, tools, and techniques to plan, execute, monitor, and complete projects within their timeframes. Project management ensures that a team's work aligns with SMART goals and meets the criteria for success within given constraints.

In this article, we’ll discuss the various project management methodologies, the stages of project management, and the essential skills every project manager needs to excel in their role. Keep reading to explore the fundamentals of project management and why it's critical for all businesses.

Puntina di posizione

Understanding project management

Project management guides a project from start to finish. With a structured approach, teams can achieve specific goals within a defined time, budget, and resource constraints. Whether you're launching a new product, organizing an event, or implementing a company-wide initiative, effective project management drives success.

The core phases of project management include:

  • Planning: In the first stage, you'll define project scope, objectives, and steps to achieve them. This stage involves creating a detailed roadmap, planning resources, and identifying potential risks.
  • Executing: This is where you put the plan into action by coordinating people and resources, managing stakeholder expectations, and overseeing the completion of tasks.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring involves tracking progress, measuring performance against key indicators, and adjusting as needed to keep the project on track.
  • Closing: This is the formal ending of the project. In this stage, you'll evaluate the project's success, document lessons learned, and release resources.

So why do businesses need project management? Let's take a look at a few reasons:

  • Achieve the project goals within the defined scope
  • Complete the project within the allocated time frame
  • Stay within the approved budget
  • Deliver high-quality results
  • Manage risks and address issues that come up
  • Improve communication among teams and stakeholders

Why is project management important?

Project management helps to transform ideas into tangible results, driving business growth and innovation. Here's why project management is essential:

  • Improved efficiency: Project management provides a structured approach to work, reducing wasted time and resources. Defining tasks, timelines, and responsibilities helps teams focus on what matters most.
  • Better organization: With project management, teams have a roadmap to follow. This organization helps prevent important tasks from falling through the cracks and ensures everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.
  • Improved communication: Project management promotes open and regular communication among team members and stakeholders. This transparency prevents misunderstandings, aligns expectations, and enhances collaboration.
  • Reduces the impact of risks: Project management can help teams identify potential risks early in the project life cycle, allowing them to develop strategies to avoid or minimize their impact and prevent potentially costly setbacks.
  • Measurable outcomes: With clear goals and metrics in place, businesses can easily track progress and measure the success of their projects.
  • Increased client satisfaction: Project management helps teams deliver projects on time, within budget, and to specification, improving client satisfaction.

Project management software helps teams and clients realize these benefits. It gives teams powerful tools to plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively. From creating Gantt charts and assigning tasks to tracking progress and generating reports, project management software streamlines processes and enhances collaboration, contributing to project success.

Who uses project management?

Project management is widely used across various roles and industries, making it an essential practice for all companies. Various individuals use project management in their daily workflows, including:

  • Project managers: As the primary drivers of project success, project managers use these skills and tools daily to plan, execute, and monitor projects.
  • Team leads: These individuals often take on project management responsibilities for their specific teams, ensuring that work aligns with their overall project goals.
  • Software developers and product managers: In software development, developers use Agile project management techniques to organize sprints, manage backlogs, and track progress on features and bug fixes.
  • Marketing teams: Marketing professionals use project management to coordinate campaigns, product launches, and content creation.
  • Executives: C-suite leaders use project management principles to oversee strategic initiatives and align projects with business goals.

Different teams can use project management software like Jira to collaborate more effectively. For example, development and QA teams can use Jira's Kanban boards to visualize workflows and manage software testing processes. Meanwhile, marketing and design teams can collaborate on creative projects using Jira's timeline views and custom workflows.

At the same time, operations teams can track and manage internal process improvement projects, and customer support can handle customer issues and collaborate with other departments to resolve them.

Using a common project management tool like Jira allows teams to maintain visibility into each other's work, align priorities, and ensure that all efforts contribute to overarching business objectives. This cross-functional collaboration can drive efficiency and help teams and departments achieve successful project outcomes in any industry.

Types of project management

Have you heard the adage “more than one way to cook an egg”? There’s no one strategy for completing a kick-ass project. That’s where a project management methodology comes into play. It’s a set of rules, principles, and processes for managing a project.

Methodologies might sound formal, but you have some room to innovate here! It’s important to note that many teams and companies use a combination rather than relying exclusively on one. Regardless of your approach, it should help promote a strong culture of transparency.

1. Gestione dei progetti Agile

Pensi che la prima fase del processo di gestione dei progetti sia la pianificazione? Non proprio. Prima di poter delineare una strategia per il tuo progetto, devi ottenere il consenso degli stakeholder. È qui che entra in gioco una carta del progetto in cui viene delineato l'obiettivo aziendale del progetto con lo scopo di ottenere l'approvazione. Consigliamo invece di utilizzare un poster di progetto per il suo formato più semplice da gestire e più veloce e facile da leggere. In questa fase, dovresti rispondere a domande come:

  • Qual è il business case di questo progetto? Il nostro modello di piano strategico può aiutarti!
  • Questo progetto è fattibile?
  • Dovremmo portarlo avanti?

In parole povere, in questa fase devi cercare di decidere se valga la pena imbarcarsi in questo progetto prima di investirci troppo lavoro.

Un ottimo modo per facilitare questa discussione è condurre un'analisi pre-mortem, un esercizio mentale in cui si immagina cosa potrebbe andare storto e si decide come prevenire i problemi.


Agile project management is an iterative approach and is much more flexible than waterfall project management. It's a DevOps best practice that breaks projects into chunks tackled in short bursts (called sprints). After each sprint, your team reevaluates the work you’re doing to make any necessary changes and ensure you’re staying on target.

2. Waterfall project management

Quando pensi alla gestione tradizionale e sequenziale dei progetti, ti immagini la gestione a cascata. Con questo metodo, suddividi il tuo progetto in diverse fasi. Quando una fase finisce, inizia quella successiva: non ci sono sovrapposizioni.

3. Scrum

Prendi il caffè e il cavo di alimentazione, perché è ora di iniziare. È qui che tu e il tuo team vi rimboccherete le maniche e inizierete a completare i task del progetto seguendo il piano del progetto come guida. Nella fase di esecuzione dovrai:

  • Assegnare le risorse necessarie
  • Assicurarti che gli assegnatari svolgano i propri compiti
  • Organizzare riunioni sullo stato
  • Configurare sistemi di tracciamento

La maggior parte del lavoro avviene in questa fase, ed è anche da qui che inizierai a vedere il tuo progetto realizzarsi davvero. Vedi? È valso la pena pianificare tutto.


Scrum project management is one of the most popular Agile methodologies project managers use. Like Agile, scrum is centered around continuous improvement. You can use a framework like Scrum to help you start thinking in a more Agile way and practice building Agile principles into your everyday communication and work. Jira’s scrum boards facilitate iterative, incremental delivery by assisting teams in managing their work from one sprint to the next.

4. Lean project management

5. Kanban


Kanban is a specific implementation of Lean project management. Project tasks are represented visually on a Kanban board, allowing team members to see the state of every piece of work at any time. Jira’s Kanban board enhances this process by promoting continuous delivery, helping teams define workflows and manage bottlenecks.

The stages of project management

Imagine that you’re starting a project from the very beginning. Project management doesn’t come into play only when you start checking off tasks — you need to lay the groundwork first.

With that in mind, the Project Management Institute (PMI) established five distinct project management phases.

1. Project Initiation

Think the first step of the project management process is planning? Not quite. Before you can map out a strategy for your project, you need to get stakeholder buy-in. Create a project charter to outline the business objective of your project for approval. You can also use a project poster, as it’s a more digestible format that’s faster and easier to read. In this stage, you should answer questions like:

  • What’s the business case for this project?
  • Questo progetto è fattibile?
  • Dovremmo portarlo avanti?

To put it simply, at this stage, you’re trying to decide if this project is worth tackling before you invest too much elbow grease.

A great way to help facilitate this discussion is a premortem, a thought exercise in which you imagine what could go wrong and decide how to prevent it.

2. Project Planning

If you decide to move forward, you’ll head into the project planning stage. This is where you’ll develop a detailed project plan that your entire team will follow––and thank you for! Planning is essential for avoiding scope creep. Questions to answer in this stage include:

  • Qual è l'obiettivo del progetto?
  • Quali sono gli indicatori di prestazioni chiave (KPI)?
  • Qual è l'ambito di applicazione?
  • Qual è il budget?
  • Quali sono i rischi?
  • Quali membri del team sono coinvolti?
  • Quali sono i task da svolgere?
  • Quali milestone devono essere raggiunte?

This step ensures you and your team have shared expectations before you get started. If you think you’re getting too caught up in the minutiae, you aren’t. Strategic planning frameworks can help, too!

3. Project Execution

Grab your coffee and get your power cable because it’s go-time. Stage 3 is where you and your team will roll up your sleeves and start conquering project tasks with your project plan as your guide. In the project execution stage, you’ll need to:

  • Assegnare le risorse necessarie
  • Assicurarti che gli assegnatari svolgano i propri compiti
  • Organizzare riunioni sullo stato
  • Configurare sistemi di tracciamento

La maggior parte del lavoro avviene in questa fase, ed è anche da qui che inizierai a vedere il tuo progetto realizzarsi davvero. Vedi? È valso la pena pianificare tutto.

4. Project monitoring and reporting

Solo perché hai un piano di progetto non significa che le cose funzioneranno da sole senza intoppi. È come stabilire un budget per te stesso: averlo non serve a niente se non tieni d'occhio il modo in cui gestisci il tuo denaro.

That’s why you must monitor project progress to ensure things stay on track. You should evaluate your project against the KPIs you established in the planning stage.

What should you do if your project feels like it’s strayed from the path or fallen prey to scope creep? Take a moment to reevaluate. You can decide if you need to realign things or if your original plan needs to shift. That’s the great thing about monitoring — you have regular checkpoints to correct the course.

5. Project Closure

La fase conclusiva riguarda la chiusura delle questioni in sospeso. Ciò include:

  • Organizzare un'analisi successiva o una retrospettiva per valutare il progetto
  • Preparare un report finale sul progetto
  • Collecting and storing necessary project documentation somewhere safe. A collaborative documentation space like Confluence is great for this.

This not only gives your team the chance to officially end the project, but it also makes it easier to refer back to it when necessary.

Key skills every project manager needs

Project managers make sure everyone is on the same page, and initiatives are completed on time. They keep tasks on track, allocate and manage resources, and act as a central point of communication for stakeholders. Here are a few skills every project manager needs to be successful in their role:

  • Leadership: Effective leadership inspires team members, sets clear direction, and motivates everyone to achieve project goals. You can build leadership skills through Atlassian’s Team Playbook, which offers exercises for building trust and alignment within teams.
  • Communication: Strong communication ensures all stakeholders are informed, aligned, and engaged throughout the project lifecycle. Essentially, with a good project manager, no one feels out of the loop. Project managers can communicate clearly using Confluence for documentation and Jira for task updates.
  • Time management: Efficient time management keeps projects on schedule and helps balance multiple priorities. Use Jira’s time tracking features and Gantt chart template to manage tasks and deadlines.
  • Problem-solving: Quick and effective problem-solving helps overcome obstacles and keep projects moving forward. Use Atlassian’s 5 Whys template in Confluence to analyze and solve complex problems.
  • Technical proficiency: Understanding relevant technologies helps make better decisions and communicate with technical team members. Stay updated with Atlassian’s product tutorials and webinars to enhance your technical skills in project management software.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility helps project managers and teams understand and execute changing project requirements and manage unexpected challenges. Practice agile methodologies using Jira’s Scrum and Kanban boards to improve adaptability in project management.
  • Budgeting and cost control: Managing project finances ensures that the project stays within budget constraints. Use Jira’s reporting features to track project costs and avoid going over budget.

Tools used in project management

Scegliere il software di gestione dei progetti giusto può essere complicato. Per assicurarti che il tuo team ottenga il massimo dal suo strumento di gestione dei progetti, ti consigliamo di cercare una soluzione che ti consenta di:

  • Creare un calendario condiviso per tenere traccia delle milestone e delle scadenze del progetto
  • Condividere file e documenti per accesso e collaborazione facilitati
  • Creare elenchi di task e assegnare i task ai membri del team
  • Tenere traccia dell'avanzamento del progetto e generare report
  • Facilitare e semplificare la comunicazione tra i membri del team e gli stakeholder
  • Stimare la durata e il budget del progetto
  • Consentire ai membri del team di commentare i task e fornire feedback
  • Generare promemoria e notifiche automatici
  • Configurare modelli di progetto per semplificare la creazione dei progetti
  • Gestire risorse e carichi di lavoro
  • Tenere traccia di ticket e rischi
  • Gestire le richieste di modifica
  • Creare report dettagliati
  • Monitorare le prestazioni del progetto

Project managers rely on a variety of tools to plan, execute, and monitor projects. Some popular project management tools are:

  • Gantt charts: Visual timelines that show project tasks, durations, and dependencies. They help managers schedule activities and track progress over time.
  • Work breakdown structure (WBS): Hierarchical representations of project tasks that break large projects into smaller chunks.
  • Project timelines: Chronological representations of project milestones and deadlines.
  • Dashboards: Customizable interfaces that display key project metrics, status updates, and performance indicators at a glance.
  • Boards: Agile teams use Scrum boards to manage sprints and product backlogs and Kanban boards to manage workflows and limit work in progress.

With Jira, you can use all these tools and more to track issues, user stories, and tasks through customizable workflows.

Try Jira Scrum Boards

Membri chiave di un team di progetto

Every project must begin by identifying roles and responsibilities. Knowing your role upfront sets everyone up for success in staying on track to meet project deadlines. Potential project roles include:

  • Project manager: A person who oversees the entire project and is responsible for the project’s success.
  • Sponsor del progetto: senior manager che sostiene il progetto e lavora a stretto contatto con il project manager.
  • Membro del team: persona che lavora attivamente alle attività del progetto.
  • Fornitore: persona che fornisce beni o servizi per un progetto.
  • Stakeholder: persona interessata al progetto. Questi possono essere suddivisi in:
    • Stakeholder principali: persone che svolgono effettivamente il lavoro e sono coinvolte attivamente nel progetto.
    • Stakeholder secondari: persone che potrebbero partecipare alle riunioni e svolgere un piccolo ruolo ma non sono i responsabili decisionali chiave del progetto.
  • Stakeholder interessati: persone che sono aggiornate sul progetto ma non svolgono un ruolo attivo o non hanno molta influenza.
  • Client: The person or team who receives the final project if it’s a client-facing project rather than an internal one.

Modelli di gestione dei progetti


Modello Persona

Il modello Utente tipo consente di creare profili dettagliati dei clienti target per le campagne marketing e lo sviluppo dei prodotti, completi di nomi delle persone, obiettivi, sfide e fonti di informazioni.


Modello Mappatura del percorso del cliente

Usa questo modello per comprendere l'esperienza del cliente con il tuo prodotto, comprese le sue sensazioni e i punti deboli che riscontra.


Modello per il disruptive brainstorming

Questo modello di Confluence aiuterà il tuo team a generare nuove idee.


Modello DACI

Usa questo modello DACI per chiarire il ruolo di ogni persona nel processo decisionale e prendere la decisione giusta più tempestivamente.


Modello Poster progetto

Se i brief e i grafici dei progetti non fanno per te, prova questo modello di manifesto del progetto.

Tips for successful project management

1. Migliora la collaborazione

Good project management is about balancing structure with adaptability. These practices will help you stay organized while remaining nimble enough to tackle whatever comes your way:

  • Kick things off right: Start with a project kickoff meeting. Set goals, timelines, and roles to get everyone on the same page. It's your chance to clear up confusion and build excitement.
  • Map out your dependencies: Tasks and resources are often interconnected. Use tools like Gantt charts to visualize these links and avoid bottlenecks.
  • Find your critical path: Identify the longest chain of must-do tasks. This will help you determine where you have wiggle room and where you need to stick to the schedule.
  • Be realistic with timelines: We all tend to underestimate how long things take. Look at past projects for guidance, and don't be afraid to pad your schedule a bit.
  • Leverage project management software: Tools like Jira keep everything in one place. No more digging through endless email threads to find what you need.
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities: Make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to do. It prevents toe-stepping and helps people play to their strengths.
  • Make it a team effort: Don't plan in isolation. Your team has valuable insights, so involve them in the process. It'll lead to better plans and boost buy-in.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate: Regular status updates keep everyone in the loop. Be transparent about progress and setbacks.
  • Stay flexible: Requirements can change. Be prepared to adjust your plans while keeping your end goal in sight.

Use Jira to your advantage. Jira boards can help implement many of these practices. They offer real-time updates, promote collaboration, and keep everyone aligned so teams can efficiently plan, track, and manage work.

Modelli di gestione dei progetti

Project management templates are shortcuts that save you time, keep your processes consistent, and ensure you’re not reinventing the wheel for every project. Plus, they give your team a familiar structure to work with, making collaboration smoother. Here are the top templates for each project management phase:


Start your project off right with these templates


Set the stage for success with these project planning templates:

  • Project plan: Create your roadmap for the entire project.
  • Project kickoff: Start things off on the right foot with a well-organized kickoff.


Keep your project moving with these execution-phase templates:


Use the project status template to keep stakeholders in the loop with regular updates and stay on top of your project's success


Wrap up your project effectively with these templates:

Jira offers these templates and more, helping teams improve productivity and streamline project management processes. Want to explore more? Check out Atlassian’s full range of free project management templates.

Streamline project management with Jira

Project management helps teams stay organized, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality results. Jira is a powerful project management tool that streamlines processes. With customizable workflows, real-time collaboration features, and versatile board views, teams can easily track tasks, manage resources, and generate insightful reports.

Ottieni Jira gratis.

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