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Cómo llevar a cabo una sesión de lluvia de ideas

De la que, realmente, salgan buenas ideas

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How does brainstorming on a Confluence whiteboard work?

Aunque una lluvia de ideas es emocionante en el momento, es mejor mantenerse dentro de los límites marcados por tus objetivos empresariales. Solo deberías convocar una sesión de lluvia de ideas a) si hay algo específico que estás tratando de conseguir y b) si estás preparado para actuar sobre las ideas presentadas. Resume tu objetivo en una o dos frases, como “determinar formas de reducir nuestro tiempo de respuesta a las solicitudes de los clientes” o “planificar tres campañas de marketing clave para el próximo trimestre”.

Comparte tu objetivo con todos los que vayan a participar en la reunión. Crea un orden del día para la sesión de lluvia de ideas que incluya el resumen y un horario flexible para la conversación. Informa a todos con antelación (no esa mañana) sobre qué versará la reunión, para que tengan la oportunidad de prepararse.

How to

No more switching tabs, devices, or computers, trying to slap software solutions together with too many confusing logins and usernames. Confluence syncs with Jira, our issue-tracking software, to ensure each whiteboard isn’t just a place to dump ideas. Your whiteboard will be a real, live project management tool to organize how work gets done.

When you run your whiteboards through Confluence, you’ll get some immediate project management benefits:

  • A single source of truth, connecting ideas, tasks, and workflows in one centralized hub for anyone on your team to view. Collaborate visually while allowing team members to add context directly to the board via attachments.
  • Access for the entire team, creating transparency in each project and allowing people to submit their ideas for brainstorming sessions.
  • Immediate cost savings through tool consolidation; if you signed up for Confluence, you can already use Confluence whiteboards. 
  • Enhancing virtual collaboration for greater organization-wide impact. With Confluence whiteboards, every worker is included in critical brainstorming meetings or workflow data to wonder where they fit in the jigsaw puzzle of each project. You can also use Confluence to ensure teamwide access to the whiteboard for easy updates.

2. Reúne al equipo adecuado

Reserva la creatividad de tus compañeros para la propia lluvia de ideas, no para preguntarles por qué están sentados en tu reunión. En una encuesta realizada a más de 800 equipos, se descubrió que un número excesivo de mentes en una misma sala puede conducir a la “holgazanería social”, es decir, a dejar que unos pocos hagan todo el trabajo mientras los demás contribuyen poco o nada. Cuantas más personas haya en la reunión que no sepan por qué están allí, menos calidad tendrá la lluvia de ideas.

A menos que puedas señalar algo específico que esperas que aporten, deja que tus compañeros disfruten de su tiempo libre. Esto es especialmente importante si no van a ser responsables de una parte del resultado.

Además de enumerar el objetivo de la reunión, asegúrate de que todos los invitados tienen muy claro por qué quieres que estén allí.

Use Confluence whiteboards to structure and organize ideas

Whiteboard sessions can be critical creative time, true. A brainstorming session should set your team loose, giving everyone the bandwidth they need to pop out ideas without any fear of being shot down.

But creative ideation exercises will only get you so far. Whiteboards can be great for structuring a loose collection of ideas into a campaign, a project, or a new initiative. 

The problem with traditional whiteboards is this can require a lot of erasing, modifying, and editorial back-and-forth. Confluence whiteboards, on the other hand, offer some digital assistance when it comes to organizing your ideas. 

  • You can illustrate the relationship between ideas with stickies, lines, and sections—just like you could if you were standing at a whiteboard with a marker in your hand
  • Start assigning Jira tasks and sub-tasks to individual team members so that you come away from a brainstorming session with more than just ideas—you come away with a team to-do list

Create templates and dedicated pages for brainstorming and creative ideation exercises

A physical whiteboard is just that: a board with a lot of white space. But Confluence whiteboards can pre-populate with best-practice templates, giving you a head start for any brainstorming session:

  • Brainstorming templates will populate with notes for kicking off those game-changing “what-if” questions.
  • Retrospective templates help you conduct exit interviews on old projects: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • Prioritization matrixes split up the whiteboard into a grid so you can organize (and therefore prioritize) the decisions your team is facing.
  • Team formation guides are great for assigning users to specific projects within your organization, which can lead to separate brainstorming sessions via Confluence.
  • Concept maps can be critical for mapping out team resources, workflows, and planning multiple projects simultaneously.

There aren’t any features you’d lose from moving to a digital whiteboard. Sticky notes? You can use them. Stamps? Use those to react and vote for your favorite ideas. Everything you can do with a physical whiteboard, you can do with a Confluence whiteboard, all while crossing time zones with ease. It’ll be as if you’re all in the same room.

Brainstorming whiteboard templates

Synchronize a team’s inspiration from a single source of truth

Company-wide collaboration is the name of the game. If you can’t have your whole team in the room with a single whiteboard, you may feel you’ve left critical team members out. The result: you’re not getting the inspiration from multiple angles and backgrounds asking key questions during a brainstorming session.

But Confluence changes all that. You can automatically sync new updates to your Confluence Homepage, or add project-specific updates to a Confluence whiteboard. We’re also planning on introducing features like “@” mentions to ensure colleague discussions are easy to reference and redirect.

In a traditional whiteboard setting, you might have someone taking minutes. With Confluence whiteboards, you can have a virtual brainstorming session and proceed across time zones as if you never missed a beat.

There’s also a neat feature for integrating these whiteboards with Jira. 

You can use Confluence whiteboards to group a specific set of tasks, ideas, or assignments. Smart sections ensure you don’t have to make updates to Jira issues after planning sessions. You and your team can move work forward without having to go back and revise in Jira. Essentially, you can set up sections with configured Jira actions, which then apply to all current Jira tickets in the sections. Use this feature to mass-update fields like priority, assignee, story points, and more.

And it works two ways, as well. Team members can upload their notes or web links to the whiteboard so everyone can reference them. The result: your virtual brainstorming sessions seamlessly segue into a to-do list, much like a project management tool.

Embed images and links to help illustrate your ideas and make them more engaging

At a certain point, the “analog” whiteboard runs out of features. You can paste sticky notes to a whiteboard, maybe even print off an image and tape it to the thing. But once you have videos, webinars, and conference calls that need to be part of the project, no whiteboard will help.

Well, there’s one. 

The Confluence whiteboard can embed images to illustrate your ideas. Rather than a whiteboard full of long swaths of text, images can get ideas across much more quickly. That’s especially relevant for visual and design-based projects.

If you’re building a whiteboard, you can also use this feature to assign tasks to your team members. You can highlight virtual brainstorming sessions so a copywriter knows what to write about. You can record yourself giving live notes to provide feedback to a designer. Or you can simply paste a video link you saw online, giving additional context and background to anyone on your team who needs it.

Start collaborative whiteboarding sessions for remote teams

Some features in Confluence whiteboards can help remote team members keep up, even if they’re not in the loop on the initial whiteboard session. But we haven’t yet addressed how collaborative this process can be. 

With a Confluence whiteboard, your sessions aren’t limited to who’s in the room. You can build a session online, either on the computer or live within a conference room, and involve everyone on your remote team. You don’t have to abandon team members across the globe and wait for them to catch up. And you don’t have to miss out on their spontaneous insights or reactions, either.

Don’t forget about the scientific importance of flow state. Spontaneity and live reactions matter to creativity. As one study noted, “the possibility of surprise” is one essential ingredient of flow. In brainstorming sessions, when a good idea pops out, it instantly stimulates that sense of flow.

That’s an effect you can’t capture as easily via email. It takes live interaction and spontaneous reactions to generate that creative flow—ultimately leading to better ideas on your whiteboard.

3. Sienta las bases

Es fácil recurrir por defecto a la misma sala de conferencias cada vez que hay que convocar una reunión. Pero a nuestro cerebro le encanta la novedad, y estar en un lugar nuevo también puede ejercitar su neuroplasticidad, es decir, la capacidad que tenemos de pensar en cosas nuevas. Al cambiar de ubicación, puedes mejorar la calidad de las ideas que surgen de ese intercambio de ideas. Prueba a ir a la mesa de pícnic que hay detrás de la oficina, a la cafetería que hay a la vuelta de la esquina o incluso a una sala diferente de tu espacio de trabajo.

Si no puedes acceder a un espacio de reunión alternativo, aporta un elemento novedoso a la vieja rutina. Cambia las costumbres no verbalizadas sobre dónde se sienta cada uno o conviértete en el MVP de la oficina con un regalo sorpresa.

Las opiniones sobre la duración más adecuada para una sesión de lluvia de ideas varían y dependen de cada equipo. ¿Son 30 minutos suficientes para un equipo al que le gusta cumplir los plazos o será mejor 1 hora para que las ideas fluyan libremente? ¿Están más frescos por la mañana o les queda algo de "combustible" después de comer? Prueba algunas variaciones para encontrar lo que mejor funciona para tu grupo.

But moving your brainstorming sessions over to Confluence might sound challenging. Doesn’t adding Confluence introduce an unnecessary complication?

Not with how Confluence whiteboards work. Confluence brings all of your work together into a single view. You can still use Jira just like you always have—in fact, there are ways to enhance how you use Jira:

  • Convert stickies and shapes into Jira issues. A sticky on the whiteboard is a handy way to jot in a quick note. With Confluence whiteboards, it can accomplish far more than a simple reminder. You can convert your stickies into Jira “issues,” which helps you manage Jira without leaving the whiteboard.
  • Connect Jira issues to map out your work. What if you have multiple Jira issues and need to see how they flow together? You can connect them within the Confluence whiteboard, as well. Or you can import Jira issues to visualize your tasks. Sometimes, this means populating a whiteboard with pre-mapped planning work already done.
  • Edit Jira issues along with Confluence pages—again, without ever having to leave your whiteboard. 
Connect with Jira on whiteboards

Along with these features, you can embed plans and add links as needed. It’s hard to paste a PDF onto an actual whiteboard. But with Confluence whiteboards, you can have an entirely digital experience for everyone on your remote team to access.

4. Elige a un moderador cualificado

Si un equipo se reúne para una lluvia de ideas y nadie la dirige, ¿se ha conseguido algo? Las sesiones de lluvia de ideas son conversaciones colaborativas, pero aun así es necesario que alguien tome las riendas.

Un moderador de sesiones de lluvia de ideas debe tener lo siguiente:

  • Gran capacidad de escucha para absorber plenamente las ideas
  • Habilidades de gestión del tiempo para mantener el ritmo de la reunión
  • Capacidad de organización para crear un orden del día y registrar las ideas
  • Capacidad de liderazgo para animar a todos los miembros a participar

Antes de que comience la reunión, decide si debes dirigirla tú o si hay otra persona mejor preparada para la tarea. Ten en cuenta que el papel del moderador es ser una parte neutral que mantenga la sesión en marcha y a los participantes centrados.

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