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Create a strategic plan (with examples and a template)

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Project managers often need more experience and clear direction to create strategic plans. Without a well-defined strategic plan, project managers lose focus and waste valuable resources, causing frustration and bottlenecks.

Following a strategic plan example can give you insight into how companies map their objectives and strategies, which can help you brainstorm new ideas and guide your tactical thinking.

This guide explores the different types of strategic planning and looks at practical examples from various industries to help you achieve your long-term goals.

Types of strategic plans

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to crafting a strategic plan. Depending on your project scope and life cycle, you may need different plans. Each strategic plan serves various purposes and helps companies navigate their unique paths to success. A strategic planning framework provides a structured approach for developing these plans by assisting companies in assessing their current position, setting clear project objectives, and outlining actionable steps.

Here are some of the most common types of strategic plans:

Long-term vs. short-term strategic plans

Long-term strategic plans guide a business over three to five years. For example, an auto company’s long-term strategy includes sustainable energy and autonomous driving because it aims to shape the future of transportation and energy.

A short-term strategic plan covers one year or less and focuses on immediate goals and tactical objectives. For example, a retail chain might develop a short-term strategy to boost holiday sales. This plan can include promotions and inventory adjustments, ensuring it capitalizes on seasonal opportunities.

Corporate vs. departmental strategic plans

Corporate strategic plans address the overall direction of the business. For instance, a wholesale company’s corporate strategy could encompass expanding globally, diversifying into new markets, and advancing technology. These plans shape the company’s overall vision and goals.

Departmental strategic plans focus on specific segments within the company.

Their marketing team might create a strategic plan to increase brand awareness through digital campaigns and partnerships. It aligns with broader corporate goals but concentrates on its area of expertise.

Growth strategies

Growth strategies focus on expanding a company's market reach, increasing revenue, and scaling operations. These strategies can help drive business development and capture new opportunities.

For example, a major coffee chain might adopt a growth strategy focused on global market expansion and store diversification. It has new locations in emerging markets and is introducing new product lines. This strategic approach helps the company increase its market share and drive revenue growth.

Competitive strategies

Competitive strategies aim to position a company to outperform its rivals and capture a larger market share. They often focus on leveraging unique strengths and differentiators through SWOT analysis.

For instance, a technology manufacturer may implement a competitive strategy centered on innovation and premium product design, positioning it as a leader in high-end technology.

Strategic plan examples

Understanding practical examples of strategic plans can give your team valuable insights and inspiration when planning. Each strategic plan example includes well-defined objectives to guide the company’s efforts and measure progress.

Here are some real-world strategic plan examples:

Tech startup

Mission statement: Revolutionize the tech industry with innovative solutions that enhance everyday life through cutting-edge technology.

Vision statement: Become a global leader in tech innovation, shaping the future with groundbreaking products and exceptional user experiences.


  • Product development: Launch an MVP within six months.
  • Funding: Secure seed funding by the end of Q1.
  • User growth: Increase the user base by 30% in the first year.


  • Development team: Recruit top talent and establish Agile workflows.
  • Marketing: Execute targeted campaigns on social media and tech forums.
  • Data analytics: Implement tools to gather user feedback and refine the product.

Check the five-year strategic plan for Digital Jersey to understand better.

Retail business

Mission statement: Provide a superior shopping experience with high-quality products and exceptional customer service.

Vision statement: Be the preferred retail destination recognized for innovation, customer satisfaction, and community involvement.


  • Store layout: Revamp the store layout to improve the shopper experience.
  • E-commerce: Launch an e-commerce platform within six months.
  • Sales increase: Boost in-store sales by 20% during the year.


  • Store design: Redesign the store layout and update product displays.
  • E-commerce: Develop and launch an online store with integrated marketing.
  • Customer feedback: Collect and analyze feedback to refine product offerings and services.

Check out the Retail Strategic Plan for Prince George’s County for deep insights.


Mission statement: Deliver exceptional healthcare services with compassion and excellence, enhancing the well-being of every patient.

Vision statement: Be a leading healthcare provider known for innovative treatments, patient-centered care, and contributions to medical advancements.


  • EHR system: Implement an electronic health record system by year-end.
  • 환자 대기 시간: 6개월 동안 대기 시간의 15%를 단축합니다.
  • 환자 만족도: 피드백 기반 개선을 구현하여 만족도 점수를 향상합니다.


  • 기술 채택: 직원들에게 새 EHR 시스템을 교육하고 원활한 통합을 보장합니다.
  • 운영 개선: 약속 일정을 간소화하고 워크플로를 최적화합니다.
  • 피드백 메커니즘: 환자 피드백을 수집하고 이에 따라 조치를 취하는 시스템을 구현합니다.

실제 사례는 Strategic Plan for The Center for Global Health를 확인하세요.

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