
As of Feb. 15, 2024, support for Server products is no longer available. Migrate to stay supported. Learn how →


The best way to migrate to Bitbucket Cloud

Install the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant. We built this free app to help you migrate from Bitbucket Data Center to Bitbucket Cloud.

What can you migrate with the Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant?

Pipelines illustration
Code repo icon


Easily migrate your projects, and repositories from Data Center to Cloud.

Git branch icon

Pull requests

Preserve collaboration history by migrating pull request diffs, comments, authors, reviewers, and metadata including branch permissions and branching models.

Settings icon


Choose which users, groups, and permissions to migrate to Cloud.

Learn more about Bitbucket Cloud

[Case study] Flo

Learn how Flo improved deployment velocity by 900%, and cycle time by 88% with Bitbucket Cloud and the Atlassian platform.

[Demo] Bitbucket Cloud in action

See how Bitbucket Cloud can help you improve developer productivity with AI, built-in CI/CD, and best-in-class Jira integration.

[Free trial] Bitbucket Cloud Premium

Try Bitbucket Cloud Premium for free for the same duration and user count as your Data Center license.