
Jira Align unlocks enterprise agility

Drive more value and transform successfully at scale

The challenge

Collaboration and work grows in complexity at enterprise scale

In the modern digital economy, everyone is vulnerable to disruption.

Rapid agile software delivery solves this challenge in startups and smaller companies, but what about larger companies who aspire to be every bit as quick and nimble?

Between team-level agile and enterprise agility lies a complexity gap that, if left unresolved, can stall innovation and growth.

Are these signs of stalled agility appearing in your company?

  • Difficulty prioritizing work across teams and products
  • Business and technical teams are frequently out of sync
  • Engineering isn’t fully in the know on why the work matters
  • Development is perceived as a black hole as scope changes
  • Hard to take decisive action due to lack of visibility
  • Agility stalls during a transformation while teams backslide
  • Trust is elusive because there is no single source of truth
  • Critical collaboration occurs in Excel, Email and Powerpoint

Close collaboration gaps and unlock enterprise agility

Jira Align creates a connected enterprise by:

Align your teams at scale

Connect strategy to execution, ensure teams are working towards the same goal, and make determining scope, roadmaps, and dependencies easier.

Accelerate enterprise agility

Stay ready to change direction quickly when new information becomes available. Focus on ways of working rather than long-term planning.

Improve business operations

Get a holistic view of organizational capacity and velocity – from tracking customer value to the status of work in the pipeline.

Deliver better business outcomes

Get value to your customers faster, reduce costs, foster innovation, or any other strategic imperative that matters to you.

Ready to connect your enterprise?

Software without silos enables end to end visibility