Confluence LTS ebook covers
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What's included with Confluence’s Long Term Support release?

Executive summary

Each year, Atlassian releases a Long Term Support (LTS) release for our self-managed products. Upgrading to a Long Term Support release offers continued access to critical security, stability, data integrity, and performance fixes for the two-year support window before this version reaches its end of life. LTS releases enable users to move quickly when a high-impact bug or security fix is ported over and released for upgrading.

Confluence’s most recent LTS, 7.19, was released in July of 2022 and features several features designed to boost performance, data integrity, and security to enable your teams to collaborate with ease and deliver exceptional work confidently.

Check out this download to discover the full breadth of new features available to you since the last LTS release.

Key takeaways

Enjoy upgraded security and compliance benefits, offering you the most protected Confluence instance yet

Inform your decision making with enhanced data and insights