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Scrum backlog template

The Scrum backlog template helps Agile teams organize and prioritize tasks, improving time estimates and enhancing understanding of dependencies and blockers.

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What is a scrum backlog template?

Improved organization

The scrum backlog template in Jira Software provides agile teams with a systematic and reusable approach for organizing the overall project and the focused work in each sprint. It helps capture all necessary features and supporting information, such as user stories and requirements, in a consistent, structured, and centralized manner.

Prioritized list of tasks

Prioritizing and estimating tasks is simple with the Scrum backlog template. Agile teams can quickly move high-priority tasks to the top, identify dependencies, and spot potential roadblocks. Reprioritization is simple, and dependencies automatically move to provide a clear picture of the work.

What does the scrum backlog template include?


The scrum product backlog template includes all the work for a project, including product backlogs and sprints. Projects often have multiple product backlogs for different focus areas, such as new features, user experience, or product optimization. Teams identify and prioritize tasks within each product backlog. The work begins once they incorporate them into Scrum sprints.

Teams can include relevant information, such as specifications, user stories, and value. Prioritize items on the product backlogs based on business value and project goals. This allows teams to achieve greater efficiency when creating the sprint backlog, also known as an iteration.


Sprints are focused sets of tasks that deliver an incremental result. Many teams also identify sprints with milestones. The scrum sprint backlog template includes sprint planning.

The sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog and consists of tasks teams are working on or plan to work on soon. By breaking down the sprint into smaller tasks, teams can complete the sprint faster and identify potential blockers.


A timeline view helps teams and stakeholders stay informed of the progress on upcoming deadlines and related tasks. Adding epics and mapping work items provides a clear understanding of dependencies and how the tasks fit together. A centralized, interactive view makes it easier to see conflicts, duplicate tasks, resource constraints, and other potential roadblocks.


Scrum boards transform tasks into manageable visual representations of the entire project. A visual presentation helps Agile teams recognize large, complex depictions of work and break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This helps eliminate surprises, keeps the team focused on the sprint, and ultimately ship faster.

How to get started with the scrum backlog template

Define user stories

For Agile teams, defining user stories helps team members understand what they are building and why. User stories state what the feature provides from the user’s perspective. For example, a payroll clerk must be able to schedule automatic, direct deposits to employee bank accounts on a specific day of the month.

Identify key tasks and milestones

Grouping user stories into end-user functionality can help teams identify key tasks and create milestones. These landmarks align with overall project goals, such as payroll transfer scheduling. They include all tasks and user stories within that goal. Identifying milestones helps teams define the requirements for the goal.

Prioritize user stories in the product backlog

Some user stories may have a higher priority for the user and the business. Others may simply be nice to have. Prioritizing user stories focuses teams on the highest-value tasks. Achieve this through project collaboration. Different team members bring unique perspectives on complexities or hidden dependencies. Priorities can change, and the team should continuously refine the backlog to reflect that.

Verdeel userstory's in taken

Inzicht krijgen in userstory's helpt bij het identificeren van alle taken die teams moeten uitvoeren om hun algemene doel te bereiken. Door story's te verdelen in kleinere, beheersbare taken kunnen teams hiaten, ontbrekende vereisten en obstakels zien. Zo kan de tijdlijn beter worden ingeschat.

Schat de inspanning voor elke taak

Nadat je de story's hebt verdeeld in vereiste taken, moet je de taken op complexiteit beoordelen. Bekijk de taak en de bijbehorende vereisten opnieuw om nauwkeurig in te schatten hoeveel tijd er nodig is om de taak af te ronden.

Agile-teams maken vaak gebruik van inschattingstechnieken zoals storypoints, waarbij alle teamleden op basis van hun ervaring een afweging maken over het werk. Een andere aanpak omvat het gebruik van schattingen op basis van tijd, waarbij het team de einddatum bepaalt en vervolgens achteruit werkt om de taken in te schatten. Deze aanpak kan een goede oefening zijn om het eens te worden over taken en doelen die hoge prioriteit hebben.

Maak de sprintbacklog

Om de sprintbacklog te maken, het werk dat de productfunctionaliteit of -release omvat, selecteer je de taken met prioriteit in de productbacklog. Wijs resources toe op basis van expertise en capaciteit. Zoek naar conflicten, zoals een overbelast teamlid.

Stel een realistisch sprintdoel vast dat aansluit bij de doelstellingen van het project. De basis voor het doel ligt in het werk dat het team al heeft gedaan bij het prioriteren van userstory's en het inschatten van taken.

Beoordeel en werk regelmatig bij

Door gedurende de hele levenscyclus van het project regelmatig backlogs te verfijnen en sprintreviews uit te voeren, kunnen teams zich aanpassen aan veranderende priority's en nieuwe vereisten. De backlog verandert door de aanvullende feedback en nieuwe inzichten.

Omgevingen waarin veel wordt samengewerkt, stellen teamleden in staat om issues aan de orde te stellen en suggesties te bieden. Waardevolle input zorgt ervoor dat veranderingen in de doelen en de backlog gemakkelijker worden begrepen en geaccepteerd.

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