Confluence whiteboards for retros
A top benefit of working in person is having organic – even spontaneous – brainstorming or strategic riffing sessions. Being in the room together, jotting down ideas on a whiteboard as they come up, and having lively discussions isn’t just efficient and productive. It also makes work interesting and strengthens working relationships.
Many distributed teams – whether hybrid or fully remote – struggle to achieve that same dynamic.
Confluence whiteboards bring those super collaborative elements of the in-office environment to the digital space for everyone to access, wherever they are. Retrospectives are one of those team practices that are instrumental for growth and collecting internal feedback. As many industries shift towards remote work, Confluence whiteboards enable teams to seamlessly run retrospectives virtually.
ふりかえり: 内容と理由
ふりかえりは、アジャイル ソフトウェア開発チームが各開発プロジェクトをレビューし、プロセス、エンジニアリング、コミュニケーションの改善点を迅速に特定するためによく行われます。また、代理店にとっても、クライアントとの契約を結んだ後、関係のプラス面とマイナス面の原因を正確に把握するための貴重な方法となります。