我们在离开会议后,会觉得“我生命中的 X 分钟就这么没了,再也找不回来了”。当这种情况发生时,重要的是要评估为什么会议没有效果。这可能是因为会议没有明确的目标,或者没有必要的与会者。
我们汇编了一份会议记录模板,帮助您和您的团队更好地为会议做准备。它包括有效会议的所有必要元素:与会者、议程、 讨论主题和操作项。
使用免费的 Confluence 会议记录模板准备会议、保持有序、记录笔记、添加操作项并记录成果。
Meeting minutes are an official record of discussions and actions taken during a meeting. They typically contain the following information:
Meeting date and time
Participants and contact details
Meeting goals
Discussion topics
Action items
Next meeting date and time
Meeting minutes aren't simply meeting transcripts. They cover essential meeting highlights and summarize what was discussed and accomplished during the meeting.
Atlassian’s meeting minutes template effectively captures notes, tracks discussions, and documents next steps. Some other ways to ensure your meeting minutes don't go to waste include:
Ensure meeting notes are shared with relevant coworkers and team members as soon as possible. Quick distribution can keep the action items relevant and remind people of their responsibilities.
Depending on the scope and purpose of your meeting, you may want to invite participants to review the meeting notes beforehand. Encourage team members to leave notes or confirm they understand their assignments.
You can make separate meeting minutes templates for different purposes. For example, you may have one meeting minutes template for informal meetings and a different template for team meetings. You'll want all your meeting minutes templates to have a similar format for consistency.
Consider using AI tools or virtual meeting assistants to assist with note-taking. Various tools use AI to pull key meeting takeaways and produce action items. Leveraging these tools is an effective way to record your meeting minutes without having to designate a note-taker.