
Find the right Plays for your team

Exercises designed to improve how you work. Try the Play recommendation quiz to get started.

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자주 묻는 질문

Server 제품이 이제 지원되지 않습니다. 저에게 어떤 옵션이 있습니까?

계속해서 지원을 받는 것이 최우선 사항이라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 지원되는 플랫폼으로 전환하는 방법에는 Cloud로 마이그레이션하거나 Data Center로 업그레이드하는 두 가지 옵션이 있습니다. 옵션 및 다음 단계를 수행하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Cloud로의 마이그레이션 가격은 얼마입니까?

For the most accurate look at your migration costs, please contact one of our pricing specialists. To assess the costs of moving the apps and integrations from your server products, refer to our cloud migration guide.

Cloud 마이그레이션 평가판은 어떻게 사용합니까?

The cloud migration trial is like taking a cloud product for a test drive, meaning you can use it just as you’d use any cloud site to explore features and test your migration. Unlike our standard 7-day trials, your cloud migration trial matches the remaining duration of your Data Center subscription.

아직 Server를 사용하고 있습니까? 유지 관리가 만료된 Server 고객에게 60일 무료 Cloud 마이그레이션 평가판을 제공합니다.

Cloud와 Data Center 기능은 어떻게 다릅니까?

With cloud, you’ll always be up-to-date on the latest features for our products. If you’re unable to move to Cloud now, we recommend Data Center – our premier self-managed offering. To find out more, compare Cloud and Data Center. To see how products compare, you can reference the following pages:

Are Plays free to use?

Yes, Play instructions and content are free. Use them as much as you want and feel free to share these resources with others.

Are Plays only for teams?

No. Leaders, teams, and individuals can run Plays to maximize their impact and accelerate progress.

Are Plays only for Atlassian customers?

No. The Team Playbook is a free and open resource that any person or team can benefit from.

Where can I learn more about the research behind the Plays?

Many of the Plays include research from Atlassian’s Teamwork Lab, our in-house group of PhD behavioral scientists and teamwork experts. The Teamwork Lab studies teams across industries and runs experiments with thousands of Atlassians to discover the most effective, evidence-based ways of working for all modern distributed teams.

I’m new to Plays. Where should I start? What order should I run Plays in?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to which Plays you should run first, however, our Play recommendation quiz is a great tool to help you get started.

Alternatively, you can identify which System of Work Pillar to focus on by using the navigation bar on the Play gallery page to find relevant plays.

I'm not comfortable facilitating a Play. What should I do?

We believe leadership takes many forms and that Plays can be run by anyone.

All Plays come with a detailed list of prep work, step-by-step instructions, and helpful tips based on the experience of Play facilitators at Atlassian.

Some team Plays benefit from having someone outside of your team facilitate them so everyone can participate. If this is the case, ask a colleague outside of your team to run the Play.

If you have specific questions about facilitating, check out our facilitation tips here or email us at and we’ll see how we can help!

I have a question or feedback about a Play. What do I do?

We'd love to hear what's working for you, and what's not. Email us your questions or comments at