Marketing campaigns made easy
Tired of planning marketing campaigns in a silo? Connect campaigns with product sprints and launch campaigns as a team – all in Jira.

Join 300,000+ customers that power team collaboration with Atlassian
Why Jira for your next marketing campaign?

Easy to use
Think big, start small. From the simplest campaigns to elaborate cross-functional product launches - Jira flexes with you.

Team transparency
Bring teams across the business together on a shared platform so product launches go off without a hitch.

Goal alignment
Show the impact of your campaign so everyone can see how your work contributes to company objectives.

Campaign management
Use our template to kickstart planning, and customize as you go. Quickly set up timelines, review processes, and deadlines along the way.

Content management
Replace static spreadsheet trackers with Jira’s multi-view workflows. From lists to boards to calendars, Jira makes it easy to track and view milestones and deadlines.

Never be in the dark: Jira connects GTM planning with engineering sprints so you have visibility into progress, delays, and launch dates.

Email campaign
Track the status of every task and asset in one place, so you can plan and execute successful email campaigns.
Brainstorm, plan, and launch, all from Jira
Launch on time, every time
Use Jira to navigate dependencies and adapt to evolving timelines, deadlines, and scope.

Align work and goals from start to launch
Connect campaigns directly to initiatives by staying aligned and in-the-know of company goals and objectives.
Visibility for every stakeholder
Keep stakeholders informed with a top-level view of of goals, progress, and potential blockers.

Great campaigns start with Jira
Where teams launch great campaigns together