
Jira Work Management と Jira Software は Jira となりました。Jira はすべてのチーム向けのプロジェクト管理ツールです。新しくなった Jira を体験 →

Project Management Frameworks in Jira Work Management

Effective project management involves coordinating various aspects such as processes, tools, and team members to ensure the successful execution of work. By implementing a project management framework, teams can map out the progression of individual project steps – from beginning to completion.

What are project management frameworks?

A project management framework lays out the procedures, tasks, resources, and tools necessary to guide a project. It’s composed of three parts: the project life cycle, the project control cycle, and tools & templates.

The project life cycle outlines how you will set up your project. Typically, it consists of five phases: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and closure.

  1. Initiation: Before planning and setting a timeline, a project needs to be defined at a high level. This involves determining the business case, goals and objectives, major deliverables, and success criteria.
  2. Planning: During the planning phase, a detailed plan is developed. Team members will usually answer questions about the project's goal, key performance indicators (KPIs), scope, budget, risks involved, team members' roles, and tasks required to meet milestones.
  3. Execution: This is when the team goes heads down and completes the project tasks they identified. As the team continues to work on their project to-dos, they also become engaged with the monitoring phase.
  4. Monitoring: During this phase, team members evaluate the project regularly to ensure that they meet task deadlines, avoid scope creep, stay within budget, and remain committed to the goal. This usually happens at the same time as the closure phase.
  5. Closure: To successfully complete the project, the team must finalize loose ends, which may include a post-mortem or retrospective to review successes and areas for improvement, presenting a final report to stakeholders, and retaining project documentation for future reference.

In the project control cycle, it’s important to actively monitor and manage the project. This involves managing and mitigating risks, tracking progress across teams and team members, and communicating project statuses with stakeholders. There are typically five stages in the project control cycle.

  • Stage 1: During the initial stage of a project, a plan is drafted that will serve as a guide for all teams involved. This plan should be carefully crafted in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what their role is throughout the project.
  • Stage 2: The next stage consists of keeping a close eye on the progress of the project across all team members involved. The aim of this stage is to ensure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Stage 3: Team members assess the real progress made and compare it with the planned progress.
  • Stage 4: Team members should then evaluate if there have been any deviations from the initial plan and analyze their potential implications. It’s also critical to assess the impact of any changes made and ensure that they are aligned with the project objectives.
  • Stage 5: During the final stage of the project, there may need to be adjustments to ensure that everyone is on the right path.

Using tools and templates can help teams establish a solid foundation for implementing project management frameworks. These templates help to reduce the workload needed to prepare a project plan and documents. By using standardized outlines, content, and examples, team members can easily improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their projects.

Types of project management frameworks

There are a range of frameworks that can be utilized for various project types, team sizes, industries, and budgets. Below are examples of the most common project management frameworks:

  • Agile project management is an iterative approach to managing software development projects that focuses on continuous releases and incorporates customer feedback with every iteration.
  • Scrum is an agile project management framework that assists teams in organizing and managing their work using a set of values, principles, and practices. This framework is designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes in their environment.
  • Kanban is a great way to manage tasks and improve processes. It emphasizes real-time communication of capacity and full transparency of work. By representing work items visually on a board, team members can easily see the state of every piece of work at any time.
  • Lean is a methodology that focuses on continuous process improvement, efficient resource management, and effective work management. The ultimate objective of this framework is to enhance productivity and add value while minimizing waste.
  • Waterfall is a conventional sequential framework for planning and executing projects. Each phase ends before the next one begins, so there is no overlap between them.

Project management framework best practices

Effective communication is crucial for project success. When teams have clear and consistent channels, they can collaborate seamlessly, make better decisions, and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Having a repository for notes, documents, comments, and milestones can provide significant benefits during the review process and future projects. By using lessons from previous projects, changes can be made to the new framework to improve efficiency.

Pairing Atlassian tools such as Jira with Confluence allows teams to manage projects while collaborating on content. Jira makes it easy to plan, track, and manage your projects, while Confluence centralizes project-related documentation and resources.

Jira Work Management とは

Jira Work Management is a project management tool that makes it easy for business teams to plan, collaborate, deliver, and report on work – all in one place. Built on the Jira platform, Jira Work Management connects business teams with software teams working in Jira Software, enabling cross-functional teams to plan, track, and deliver work together on a single platform.

From campaign launches to new employee onboarding, Jira Work Management helps business teams – from Marketing, Design, Operations, HR, and beyond – tackle any type of work with customizable workflows, forms for easy intake, flexible views like Lists, Calendars, Boards, Timelines, and more.

Benefits of Jira Work Management for project management

By using Jira Work Management for project management, teams can effortlessly manage their projects, no matter how complex. Here are some of the many ways Jira Work Management unlocks value for teams:

  1. It’s built for every use case. Jira Work Management gives business teams the power of Jira, wrapped in a friendly, intuitive interface, with easy-to-use templates, configurable workflows, and limitless automations.
  2. It unlocks visibility for strategic decision-making. Team leads easily get a clear view of what their team is working on with just a few clicks, from quick snapshot summaries to pre-configured reports.
  3. It bridges cross-functional teams. Jira Work Management connects with Jira Software to enable business and software teams to easily build shared roadmaps, cross-team workflows, dependencies, and more.
  4. It lets you do incredible work in context. Spend less time context-switching by working on Confluence pages directly within Jira Work Management, and use integrations like Slack, Figma, and more to bring all your most-used apps into one place.

Using Jira Work Management for project management frameworks

Jira Work Management simplifies the process of following your project management frameworks, making it effortless to stay on track.

  • Jira Work Management’s Board view can help you optimize your workflow by utilizing a Kanban board. This makes it easier to visualize the progress of tasks, establish priorities, and allow team members to provide updates and comments with greater autonomy.
  • Jira Work Management's Timeline view makes project planning with Gantt charts a breeze. It allows for easy task assignment, deadline management, and dependency linking.

Whether you need custom workflows, automations, or processes like approvals or intake, Jira Work Management is purpose-built to make your projects successful – no matter how small or complex.

Defining your project goals and objectives

When starting a project, it’s important to establish clear goals and objectives. Goals offer a broader perspective of what the project aims to accomplish and should align with the overall business objectives. Objectives are more precise statements that describe tangible deliverables that the project will produce. By setting both goals and objectives, you can ensure that your project remains focused and in line with broader priorities.

Jira Work Management integrates with other Atlassian tools to enable a connected workspace where you can tie goals and objectives to every project, and easily work on project content and documentation. You can link projects to goals in Atlas, and create a project plan in Confluence to define project details and objectives.

Confluence integrates with Jira Work Management to make it easy to work on project documents without having to switch tabs and leave Jira Work Management. You can also bring Jira Work Management project views into Confluence pages and easily share what your team is working on directly within a project document.

Jira Work Management リスト ビューのコラボレーション モード

Pages tab in Jira Work Management with Confluence integration

Creating a project structure

A well-organized project structure helps ensure that all participants understand their roles, responsibilities, and what they need to do. It serves as a guide for running a project smoothly. Without proper structure and organization, a project can quickly become chaotic and unmanageable.

To create a project structure in Jira Work Management, you can easily use one of the pre-made templates available in the template library. These templates are pre-configured for different types of work and team use cases – from Marketing, Design, Operations, HR, Sales, and more. If you need to make adjustments to fit your team’s needs, each template can be easily customized.

JWM templates

Templates in Jira Work Management

Developing a project timeline

A project timeline is an essential tool for teams to gain a complete understanding of the tasks and activities involved in a project. It offers a comprehensive overview of the entire project from start to finish, making it easy for you to identify when each task begins and its corresponding deadline. Additionally, it helps determine if any given task relies on another.

Jira Work Management のタイムライン・ビューには、関連するタイムラインとタスク、およびタスクの依存関係を表すガント・チャートが表示されます。これにより、チームは今後のタスク、プロジェクトのスケジュール、全体的なタイムラインを簡単に理解できます。ズーム・アウトすると、これらのチャートには、実行する必要のある作業の概要、各タスクの担当者、および完了すべき時期が表示されます。

JWM のタイムライン

Jira Work Management のタイムライン・ビュー



Jira Work Management の各タスクでは、タスクの所有者を簡単に割り当て、優先度、開始日、期限、その他含めたいカスタム情報を設定できます。

JWM のタスク・ビュー

Jira Work Management のタスク・ビュー



Jira Work Management の要約ビューでは、プロジェクトの活動と統計の概要が表示されるので、簡単に報告できます。進捗状況、活動、優先順位、作業のタイプ、ワークロードの全体的なスナップショットを確認できます。

JWM の要約ビュー

Jira Work Management の要約ビュー


チーム・メンバーがリアルタイムで連携してコンテンツに取り組むことができれば、協調的なコミュニケーションが簡単に取れるようになります。Jira Work Management のリアルタイム共同編集モードは、状況に応じてリアルタイムで行われた更新のマルチプレイヤー・エクスペリエンスです。また、チーム・メンバーはボード、リスト、カレンダー、タイムラインの各ビューで、オンラインのユーザーを同時に確認できます。

JWM の共同モード

Jira Work Management のリアルタイム共同モード

プロジェクトが進行中の場合、コメントを追加したり、タスクのステータスを変更したりして、各タスクの進捗状況を把握します。Jira の自動化ライブラリによって、メール、Slack、Microsoft Teams、またはチームが便利だと判断したその他のプラットフォームを通じて更新を送信する自動化の作成プロセスが簡素化されます。

開発者チームともコラボレーションします。Jira Work Management のリリース日共有機能により、Jira Software のリリース日を Jira Work Management のカレンダーに直接追加して、作業を調整できます。ビジネス・プロジェクトやソフトウェア・プロジェクトを Advanced Roadmaps とリンクさせて、部門間の可視性と依存関係のマッピングを実現できます (Jira Software Premium と Enterprise プランで利用可能)。

カレンダー ビュー




Jira Work Management のレポート・タブでは、特定のユーザー、プロジェクト、バージョン、または課題の情報の統計を示すさまざまなレポートに簡単にアクセスできます。

JWM のレポート

Jira Work Management のレポート・タブ

完全なカスタム・レポートを作成して表示するには、Jira ダッシュボードを使用して個人用ダッシュボードを作成し、ガジェットを追加して、取り組んでいる割り当てや課題を追跡できます。ダッシュボードはさまざまなグラフでプロジェクト、割り当て、および成果を編成するのに役立つガジェットを表示するように設計されています。

Jira Work Management Premium プランを利用していて、複数のプロジェクトの仕事を同時に確認したい場合、概要機能は複数のプロジェクトにまたがる作業の要約、カレンダー、タイムライン・ビューを集約して表示できる素晴らしい方法です。

プロジェクトで Jira Work Management の利用を開始する

プロジェクトのフレームワークを明確に定義することで、チームはコラボレーションを改善し、効率を高め、リスクを軽減できます。ただし、複雑なプロジェクトを管理するには適切なツールが必要であり、Jira Work Management が役に立ちます。

Jira Work Management の柔軟なプロジェクト・ビュー、カスタマイズ可能なワークフローと自動化、レポート機能を使えば、チーム固有の要件を満たすプロジェクト管理の仕組みを簡単に作成できます。

Jira Work Management を無料(最大 10 ユーザー)で試してみるか、Jira Software プランで Jira Work Management にアクセスしましょう。今すぐ Jira Work Management テンプレートの利用を始めましょう。