
Our Approach to Customer Contracts

Atlassian’s business and offerings span a number of different products, services and deployment types:

In line with our commitment to Build with Heart and Balance, we have drafted one customer contract – the Atlassian Customer Agreement – to cover all of these offerings. The Atlassian Customer Agreement is short, easy to understand, and tailored to our business and offerings.

Our products adhere to an enterprise set of controls and policies that meet a range of international standards and market expectations because we know security, privacy and reliability are important to our customers. The Atlassian Customer Agreement and its supplemental terms (such as our Data Processing Addendum and Security Measures) clearly and accurately reflect the standardized manner in which we provide, support, upgrade, and secure our products across our customer base.

To ensure that our customers spend time on what matters to them (and we’re guessing it’s not going back and forth on legal terms), our Atlassian Customer Agreement is generally more favorable to customers than other software providers' agreements. We are proud of our “Customer Favorable” certification from TermScout – check it out here!

Finally, we periodically update our Atlassian Customer Agreement and supplemental terms to reflect changing business and market practices and incorporate feedback from customers. You can sign up here to receive email notifications of changes to our legal terms.

Please visit our FAQs at the bottom of this page to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

We created this FAQ to answer some of the most common questions customers ask about our Atlassian Customer Agreement.

These FAQs are for informational purposes only and do not create any contractual commitments. The responsibilities and liabilities of Atlassian towards its customers are governed by the relevant agreements between Atlassian and its customers, and these FAQs are not part of, nor do they modify, any agreement between Atlassian and its customers. 


アトラシアン製品の価格を教えてください Copy link to heading Copied! 表示


月間または年間クラウド コストを確認するには、Cloud シミュレーターをご利用ください。

クラウドへの移行に関心をお持ちの既存の Data Center のお客様向けに、保有する Data Center 製品と対応するクラウド製品のコストを横に並べて表示できる、パーソナライズされたシミュレーターを用意しました。

* We know that our customers care about AI and Atlassian Intelligence. So, we want to make it clear that we updated the Atlassian Intelligence terms to match the drafting style and defined terms of our Atlassian Customer Agreement. We have not changed the ways we use customer inputs or outputs of Atlassian Intelligence as described in our Trust Center.

どのようなトレーニングソリューションがありますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

Jira、Confluence、Dev Tools のインストラクター主導トレーニングコースをご用意しています。各コースは仮想クラスルーム (WebEx) でプライベートまたはパブリックに配信されます。詳細については、「トレー二ング」ページをご覧ください。

割引はありますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

クラウド プランは最大 10 ユーザー/3 エージェントまで無料で始められ、チームの規模に合わせて拡大できます。Standard および Premium クラウド プランはいつでも無料でお試しいただけます。


非営利団体は特別価格を受けられますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

The Atlassian Customer Agreement will govern any apps that are published by Atlassian as a vendor in the Atlassian Marketplace (see here for a list of apps by Atlassian). However, the Atlassian Customer Agreement does not apply to any other apps, which would be considered third-party products under the Atlassian Customer Agreement and governed by the terms of the customer’s agreement with the applicable third-party provider.

Please see Marketplace Apps - Cloud Trust for more information regarding the third-party apps available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Section references: Sections 1, 7.2, and 21

How does Atlassian determine who qualifies for nonprofit, academic, and classroom discounts? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

Yes, the Atlassian Customer Agreement will govern a customer’s use of the Atlassian products even if they have purchased through a channel partner. The Atlassian Customer Agreement will not apply to any services provided by the partner.

Section reference: Section 10.1(b)

学術機関は特別価格を受けられますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

The use of Atlassian Intelligence is covered by the Atlassian Customer Agreement and the AI Terms displayed in the Product-Specific Terms. For more information on Atlassian Intelligence, visit the Trust Center.

Section reference: Section 21

政府機関は特別価格を受けられますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

Atlassian customers may subscribe at the form linked here to receive notifications from Atlassian about updates to Atlassian Sub-processors and the following legal terms and policies:

  • Atlassian Customer Agreement
  • Product-Specific Terms
  • Data Processing Addendum
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Privacy Policy
  • Security Measures
  • Advisory Services Policy
  • Guidelines for Reporting Copyright and Trademark Violations
  • Third Party Code Policy
  • Service Level Agreement
  • Government Amendment (notice will only be sent to affected customers, as designated by our systems)
  • Atlassian’s use of inputs and outputs in connection with Atlassian Intelligence as described in the Atlassian Trust Center

Section reference: Section 20.5(c)

オープン ソース プロジェクトは特別価格を受けられますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

The Data Processing Addendum forms a part of the Atlassian Customer Agreement (and doesn’t need to be signed separately).

Section references: Sections 4.1 and 21

学生と教員は特別価格が受けられますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

Atlassian provides support for the products purchased under the Atlassian Customer Agreement, as further described at Atlassian Support Offerings | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation.

Atlassian also provides advisory services so customers can get a better understanding of their Atlassian footprint and help them optimize their use of Atlassian products, though Atlassian does not provide hands-on-keyboard professional services. The advisory services offering is further described at Enterprise Support and Services Term of Use | Atlassian.

Section references: Sections 8 and 21

再販業者は特別価格を受けられますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

The definition of users is purposely broad to include employees of affiliates, third-party contractors, partners, etc.

Section references: Sections 3 and 21

アトラシアンは割引ライセンスをどのように見直して付与しますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

アトラシアンは、Percent と提携して非営利団体、学生と教員、学術機関の資格を確認しますが、割引ライセンスの資格は独自の裁量で決定します。当社はいつでも、理由の如何を問わず、個人または組織による割引ライセンスの申請を許可または拒否する権利、有効な割引ライセンスを中止する権利、コミュニティ、アカデミック、クラスルーム、オープン・ソース・ライセンスの資格に関するガイドラインをいつでも補足または修正する権利を留保します。

通常であれば、コミュニティ、アカデミック、クラスルーム、オープン・ソースの各申請について、1 営業日以内に回答を差し上げます。

サーバーから Data Center または Cloud への移行にインセンティブや割引はありますか? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示


  • クラウド移行トライアル:クラウド機能の詳細を確認し、長期間、移行をテスト実行できます。7 日間のクラウド・トライアルとは異なり、クラウド移行トライアルは Data Center サブスクリプションの期間、継続します。ご利用の Server の保守期間が切れているお客様向けに、60 日間の無料クラウド移行トライアルを提供しています。
  • ステップアップ・クレジット:Cloud への移行時に二重払いをなくすために、条件を満たすお客様に、未使用の Data Center サブスクリプションの日割り額に相当するクレジットを提供しています。
  • デュアル ライセンス:Cloud に移行する Data Center のお客様を移行期間中にサポートするため、お客様のサブスクリプションを 100% の割引で最長 1 年間延長し、Data Center 製品と Cloud 製品を並行して運用できるようにします。

まだ Server をご利用でしょうか?変更のタイムライン全体とお客様組織における次のステップについて詳しくは、Server のサポート終了情報のページをご覧ください。

A purchase order number is required for me to pay my invoice. Where can I send my purchase order number? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

Please send any required purchase order numbers to Please see How to Pay for more information regarding payment for your Atlassian products.

My customers are users of some of my Atlassian products. Where can I find information regarding these users of my Atlassian products? Copy link to heading Copied! 表示

This topic is covered in detail in our product-specific pages in our Documentation. Specifically, please see What are project roles in Jira Service Management? for more information regarding service desk customers in Jira Service Management and Share your instance externally with anonymous access for information on how to share content with people who don’t have licensed access to your Confluence instance. Other products may also permit for different user types, as detailed in the Documentation.


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