
Manage permissions

As a Confluence admin, you can manage users, groups, and permissions manually—or you can you can add approved domains so anyone who signs up with an approved domain can be added to your site without an invitation.

Manage global permissions

Site admins with a paid subscription can also perform these tasks.

Follow along

  1. Click the gear icon in the top nav bar to go to your site’s settings
  2. In the settings side nav, go to Global Permissions
  3. Make sure you’re in the User groups tab, then click Edit
  4. Check the box to grant permission, or uncheck the box to revoke it
  5. Click Save when you’re done

To manage global permissions — which apply to your entire Confluence site — you must be an administrator for your Confluence site.

Global permissions let you control:

  • Who can create a space 
  • The users who can access user profiles
  • If unlicensed users can access your site
  • Which apps can access your site
Pro Tip

Permissions are available on Standard, Premium and Enterprise plans.

Set up & manage space permissions

Space settings.

As an admin, it’s easy to change the permissions for a specific space.

Follow along

  1. Go to the space in Confluence Cloud
  2. Select Space Settings from the sidebar
  3. Select General from the Space permissions card, which is only visible for admins in that space
  4. Select an Edit Permissions button (under Groups, Individual Users, or Anonymous Access)
  5. Find the row in the list for the user or group you want to grant or revoke a permission for
  6. Check the box to grant a permission, or uncheck the box to revoke a permission
  7. Scroll to the end of the page and click Save all to apply all the changes you've made

Confluence is open by default for better collaboration, but you limit who can create, view, comment on, or edit content.

  • Allow anonymous access so customers can view content for self-help. Make sure only your support team can create, edit, or comment.  
  • Block anonymous access in order to share policies, tutorials, and troubleshooting tips org-wide. Give only subject matter experts viewing privileges. 
  • Grant comment access to let stakeholders weigh in on projects, while reserving creating and editing access for project team members.
  • Limit access to key roles to keep sensitive info such as payroll, personnel, and legal matters private.
  • Invite teammates once you’ve configured permissions to start collaborating, but always stay in control of roles, access, and groups.
  • Revoke access and delete or deactivate accounts when someone leaves the company.
Pro Tip

Premium plan admins can copy permissions from one space to another, and site/space admins can group users and assign permissions all at once, instead of one at a time.

Dive deeper into managing Confluence permissions:

Get up-to-speed on Page-level permissions management.

Read through our support page for full step-by-step instructions for global permissions.

Learn all about inviting and managing users.

Organize and customize your Confluence Space

Learn how to organize and customize your Confluence space effectively.


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