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Product breakdown structure template

Plan your product development process efficiently with this free downloadable template from Jira Software.

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What is a product breakdown structure template?

Verbeter de efficiëntie

A product breakdown structure (PBS) template is a ready-made framework that you can easily customize to the specific needs of your project. A PBS template can help you increase efficiency by focusing on the details of your product development plan and managing sprints.

Better resource allocation

The product breakdown structure template organizes products and their subcomponents in a logical, easy-to-understand hierarchical structure. It starts with the final product and progressively breaks it down into smaller, more manageable components until you reach individual tasks at the bottom. This visual representation allows for efficient planning, resource allocation, and collaboration.

Wat omvat de sjabloon voor projectrapporten?


Kanban-borden helpen agile teams knelpunten te identificeren, de voortgang te visualiseren en taken te beheren.

Screenshot van backlog


Creëer een interactieve tijdlijn door epics toe te voegen en werkitems, afhankelijkheden en releases in kaart te brengen. Met tijdlijnen blijven je teams en belanghebbenden op één lijn.

Screenshot van backlog


Kant-en-klare rapporten en dashboards in Jira Software bieden belangrijke inzichten binnen de context van je werk om ervoor te zorgen dat je teams altijd op de hoogte zijn en klaar voor succes.

Screenshot van backlog

Project boards

The PBS template clearly and visually represents the entire product development process with project boards, facilitating communication and collaboration among team members and stakeholders. This visual representation improves transparency and alignment throughout the project journey.

Scrum board screenshot.

Aan de slag met de kanban-sjabloon

Deze sjabloon gebruikt Jira Software om je team te helpen een continue workflow te beheren.

How to get started with the product breakdown structure template

Identify products

Define and list all the main products or deliverables your project will generate. This could include physical goods, software features, or services. Consider the entire scope of your project's output.

Break down deliverables

Once you have a list of products, dive deeper into each one. Identify all the subcomponents or tasks required for each product. This level of detail is crucial for effective planning.

Divide into issues

Break down each subcomponent into even smaller units called issues. These are the individual tasks that your team will execute. Aim for issues that an individual or small team can complete within a few days or a week. This level of granularity allows for efficient task assignment, progress tracking, and resource allocation.

Collaborate with the team

Involve all team members throughout the breakdown process. A collaborative approach ensures everyone understands the project's components, individual responsibilities, and how their work contributes to its goals. This shared understanding fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. It also improves efficiency.

Evalueren en verfijnen

Je PBS-sjabloon is geen statisch document. Het moet tegelijk met je project ontwikkelen. Evalueer en werk de structuur regelmatig bij om veranderingen in prioriteiten, scope, backlogs of onvoorziene omstandigheden weer te geven. Continue verfijning zorgt ervoor dat je PBS-sjabloon tijdens de ontwikkeling nauwkeurig en relevant blijft.

Klaar om deze sjabloon te gebruiken?
