LPM metrics: Data-driven insights that deliver value

Learn how a lean portfolio management approach with the the right metrics and data helps teams develop a continuous feedback loop that ensures they're always delivering customer value.

A winning portfolio strategy requires teams to agree on how they will measure success.  Projects that span more than a year often leave teams unsure if they're on the right path and driving toward out-of-date goals. A lean portfolio management approach based on shorter cadences and continuous delivery, with a focus on the objective evaluation of working systems, helps teams develop a continuous feedback loop that ensures they're always delivering customer value. 

Watch this final part of a three-part series for a conversation about identifying the right measurements for your organization's goals and how to capture the data you need. In this presentation, Rune Kølle Christensen, an SPCT and SAFe Strategic Advisor, along with Derek Huether, a Jira Align Senior Solutions Engineer, discuss the best practices for how to glean insights from data to help drive better decision-making.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How to align on the top-priority objectives you need to meet
  • The importance of leading indicators that tell you when you're on the right track
  • Steps to determine the best metrics that help your team make decisions
  • How to capture the right data so you can iterate with confidence


Rune Kølle Christensen

SPCT & SAFe Strategic Advisor

Rune Kølle Christensen jest starszym konsultantem i trenerem SAFe w Scaled Agile, Inc. Ma ponad 20 lat doświadczenia w pracy ze skalowanymi, zespołami Agile ds. oprogramowania w sektorach telekomunikacji, finansów i energii. Rune pomaga organizacjom we wdrażaniu praktyk Lean i Agile, aby umożliwić im osiągnięcie zwiększonej przewidywalności i skrócenie czasu wprowadzania produktu na rynek.

Derek Huether

Principal Solutions Engineer

W ciągu ostatnich 20 lat Derek pomógł zmienić sposób pracy w agencjach federalnych, takich jak National Archives i National Institutes of Health oraz w firmach, takich jak Walmart, GEICO i Capital One. W Capital One kierował wdrożeniem Jira Align/Enterprise Insights w całej firmie. Jest również założycielem Agile Baltimore, organizacji społecznej zajmującej się promowaniem Lean i Agile w regionie Baltimore, w stanie Maryland. Napisał ponad 600 artykułów i wydał 2 książki.