
Microservices security: How to protect your architecture

Microservices transform large software programs into smaller, more manageable services that communicate efficiently, enhancing operational efficiency and adaptability compared to traditional monolithic programs. They use a layered approach to security, from the source code to how they handle data and connections.


Microservices break large software programs into smaller, more manageable parts. These small parts, or services, communicate with each other in simple, efficient ways. Unlike the previous method of developing large, monolithic programs, this arrangement enhances operational efficiency and adaptability.

The way businesses use microservices architecture is expanding. Experts predict that cloud microservices will grow by 21.7% and reach a value of $6.62 billion by 2030. Companies are leaning toward flexible and scalable software development methods, especially with cloud-native technologies. For instance, Netflix, a pioneer in this realm, Netflix successfully transitioned from a monolithic to a microservices architecture. It significantly improved their scalability and accelerated deployment speeds, setting a benchmark in the industry for innovative cloud-based solutions.

Keeping microservices safe is essential. Each small service, which usually runs in the cloud, needs strong protection. This makes security best practices, such as controlling access, vital. Choosing the best programming languages and tools is critical to ensuring these services are safe and effective.


Microservices break large software programs into smaller, more manageable parts. These small parts, or services, communicate with each other in simple, efficient ways. Unlike the previous method of developing large, monolithic programs, this arrangement enhances operational efficiency and adaptability.

The way businesses use microservices architecture is expanding. Experts predict that cloud microservices will grow by 21.7% and reach a value of $6.62 billion by 2030. Companies are leaning toward flexible and scalable software development methods, especially with cloud-native technologies. For instance, Netflix, a pioneer in this realm, Netflix successfully transitioned from a monolithic to a microservices architecture. It significantly improved their scalability and accelerated deployment speeds, setting a benchmark in the industry for innovative cloud-based solutions.

Keeping microservices safe is essential. Each small service, which usually runs in the cloud, needs strong protection. This makes security best practices, such as controlling access, vital. Choosing the best programming languages and tools is critical to ensuring these services are safe and effective.

What is microservices security?

Microservices security safeguards each small, autonomous unit within a microservices architecture. This approach divides large software programs into separate, smaller services, each operating independently.

While this enhances software quality and flexibility, it also introduces unique risks. The main challenges include increased potential attack points and the complexity of managing varied security protocols across the different services. Effective microservices security is crucial, as a vulnerability in any single service can potentially compromise the entire system.



API gateway

An API gateway is the front door for all client interactions with microservices. It aggregates requests from various clients, directs them to appropriate microservices, and compiles the responses. This pattern simplifies the client-side experience, offering a unified interface with individual services. 

It's beneficial for managing cross-cutting concerns, such as authentication, logging, and SSL termination.




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通过清晰的通信通道保护微服务可以增强网络。将每项微服务想象成一个堡垒,将它们之间的连接想象成桥梁。加密数据使用传输层安全性 (TLS) 协议通过这些桥梁传输,从而确保私有数据的安全。

双向 TLS (mTLS) 可验证网络连接中双方的身份,对微服务的安全至关重要。

Open DevOps 设置中,TLS 和 mTLS 不仅仅是确保数据安全。它们还帮助建立一个服务之间每次交互都安全的网络,这对于构建安全、可靠和值得信赖的微服务系统至关重要。


Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is about dividing database operations into commands (which modify data) and queries (which read data). 

This separation optimizes data storage and performance by independently scaling read and write workloads. It's beneficial in systems where the nature and volume of reads and writes vary significantly.


The saga pattern addresses complex transactions across multiple microservices by breaking them into smaller, manageable operations. Each service handles its part of the transaction. If a step fails, the saga initiates compensating actions to mitigate the impact of the failure on previous operations. 

This method allows for distributed transactions while maintaining the autonomy of each microservice, which aids in data consistency without tight coupling.


Named after the partitions in a ship, the bulkhead pattern limits failures to a single service or a group of services. It isolates parts of the application so that if one part overloads or fails, the others continue to function. This isolation improves the system's fault tolerance and resilience.


With database-per-service, each microservice has a dedicated database. This prevents database calls from one service from impacting others. It ensures loose coupling and high cohesion, making services more resilient to change and easier to scale and maintain.



  • 防止数据泄露:每项微服务都独立运行,这可能使得更易于遭受数据泄露。适当的安全措施可将这种风险降至最低。
  • 维护声誉:强大的安全性有助于防止可能损害公司声誉的事件。
  • 确保客户信任:在银行、医疗保健和在线零售等敏感行业,强大的安全性对于保持客户信心至关重要。
  • 支持创新:良好的安全实践使得可以在微服务体系结构内进行更安全的实验和创新。
  • 保护系统完整性:全面的安全措施可确保整个系统的弹性和可靠性,这对于实现平稳运行和服务连续性至关重要。

使用 Compass 保护您的微服务

确保微服务安全是成功开发软件的关键。Atlassian 的 Compass 可以帮助您为微服务制定强大而有效的安全计划。记分卡等工具可让您轻松监控软件运行状况。

Compass 通过基于 Atlassian Forge 而构建的功能进行了增强,它是一款用于建立最佳实践、跟踪绩效和鼓励团队合作的综合工具。Atlassian Forge 是一个可扩展的开发人员体验平台,它集中存储和连接有关工程产出和团队协作的不同信息。

该平台使所有这些数据可以从一个中心位置访问和搜索,从而大大简化了项目管理和团队协调。Compass 与 Atlassian Forge 功能的这一集成为开发团队带来了一个更具凝聚力和效率的工作环境。


详细了解 Compass 如何保护您的微服务。





我是否应该使用 API 网关来保障微服务的安全?

API 网关充当系统的主要入口,有助于更有效地管理安全性。该网关使控制访问变得更加容易,并可确保数据的安全性和私密性。






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