











使用 Compass 来管理组件







团队已达到复杂性极限最明显的指标是,他们花在应对组织复杂性上的时间多于解决本应关注的棘手问题。DORA 变更准备提前期(速度)和变更失败率(质量)指标的趋势显示团队是随着时间的推移减慢还是加速。尽管还有其他因素会影响这些指标,但它们是衡量团队效率的好指标。


Best for managing microservices: Compass

Compass hero screen.

Compass is an ideal server management tool. It simplifies handling microservices architectures by putting disconnected data about engineering work and teamwork together in one central, searchable location. 

Compass' features include: 

  • Get full visibility into service details with relevant APIs, libraries, documentation, key health metrics, latest deployment activities, on-call schedules, and more.
  • Document and track upstream and downstream dependencies and understand performance impact across teams and services.
  • View all incidents, deployments, and other critical activities for a service and its dependencies in one place.

Best for CI/CD: Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket pipeline screenshot.

CI/CD is an acronym for continuous integration and continuous deployment

Bitbucket Pipelines is a CI tool that automates processes. It works right out of the box with Bitbucket, an Atlassian cloud-based version control system. It can use code to manage pipelines, letting users commit pipeline definitions and start builds fast. Bitbucket Pipelines also has CD features that allow you to deploy projects to live infrastructure.

Part of the CI/CD development process is to build microservices. Bitbucket Pipelines fosters efficiency by simplifying workflows and integrating with Bitbucket's cloud version control system.

Best for ITSM: Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management is an add-on for Jira Software, a microservices-based application that lets you control IT services, such as incident, problem, and change management. Jira Service Management’s ITSM features allow IT teams to provide excellent service. There are several reasons why that is the case: 

  • Flexibility: JSM's collaborative approach can help streamline service delivery processes.
  • Automation: The automation suite can help automate recurring tasks.
  • Integration: JSM integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian tools.
  • Security: It encrypts all data in transit using TLS 1.2+.
  • Scalability: JSM is an agile ITSM product that can scale up to the enterprise level.

Best for documentation: Confluence

Confluence is a collaborative documentation tool. It’s ideal for creating and sharing documentation, critical in microservices architectures. Confluence offers a wide range of Confluence templates for various setups, including those using Kubernetes and Docker, a microservices tool that helps developers build, deploy, and run containers. 

Confluence templates include multiple features and apps to help you capture, distribute, and update your technical documentation. Also, with Confluence, you can centralize all your documentation in one place and grant access to users only to what they need.

Best for bug tracking: Jira Software

JSW issues screenshot.

Jira Software excels at bug tracking and project management. It provides a platform to track, prioritize, and resolve bugs effectively through an easily navigable interface. Jira Software's bug-tracking features contribute significantly to successful microservices management. They also address the potential for software sprawl.

With Jira Service Management, Jira's capabilities extend to streamline IT service management, including incident, problem, and change management within microservices and monolithic architecture.

Best for monitoring and logging: Prometheus

Prometheus is an open-source tool developers use to manage microservices. It collects extensive metrics, including counters, gauges, histograms, and summaries, that comprehensively view the application's performance. Prometheus also assists in real-time troubleshooting by providing a comprehensive monitoring and alerting system that enables developers and IT teams to identify and resolve issues promptly.

Best for testing microservices APIs: Postman

The distributed nature of microservices architectures significantly hamper traditional testing methodologies. Testing the entire system becomes complex and time-consuming because each microservice is an independent component. This is where a specific microservices testing tool like Postman comes in handy.

Postman simplifies the process of testing microservices APIs. Developers love that it can automate testing, enabling faster and more accurate results.

Some of the ways Postman simplifies the process of testing microservices APIs include: 

  • Visual request builder: Postman's visual request builder makes it easy to construct HTTP requests without writing code. 
  • Request collections: Postman allows you to organize your API requests into collections, making it easy to group related requests and share them with other team members.
  • Predefined tests: Postman provides a library of predefined tests that you can use to validate the responses from your API requests. 
  • Test scripts: Postman allows you to write test scripts using JavaScript, giving you more control over your tests and enabling you to automate complex testing scenarios.



团队已达到复杂性极限最明显的指标是,他们花在应对组织复杂性上的时间多于解决本应关注的棘手问题。DORA 变更准备提前期(速度)和变更失败率(质量)指标的趋势显示团队是随着时间的推移减慢还是加速。尽管还有其他因素会影响这些指标,但它们是衡量团队效率的好指标。



Why is monitoring and testing important in microservices architecture?



What are some common challenges in monitoring microservices?

正是出于这个原因,Atlassian 创建了开发人员体验平台 Compass。Compass 让软件团队可以轻松地通过组件目录、指标和记分卡来应对组织的复杂性,并专注于创建健康的工程文化,从而帮助提升复杂性极限。这里的关键点是,Atlassian 内部的组织复杂性并没有降低,事实上,随着越来越多的组织成员转向微服务架构,组织复杂性还在持续增长。我们减少了软件团队应对这种复杂性所花费的时间,这是简化项目和提升复杂性极限的区别。

Atlassian 拥有 10000 多名员工和超过 17000 个软件组件,但我们的软件团队在很大程度上可以像初创公司一样自由地运营,快速交付高质量的软件。我们成功的关键?提升复杂性极限以提高软件团队的效率。


  • 跟踪和评估您的 DORA 指标。您的团队的 DORA 指标如何?如果您还没有跟踪这些指标,那么 Compass 会提供开箱即用的 DORA 指标。
  • 了解和评估开发人员满意度。开发人员在您的软件团队中感觉如何?大多数组织都会进行员工满意度调查。询问按职能领域细分的结果,以深入了解开发人员的满意度。关键问题包括对以下陈述进行评级:
    • 我很自豪能交付
    • 我的工作压力是可以管理的
    • 我明白我的工作对公司目标有何贡献

或者,Compass 会在 CheckOps 例行程序中捕捉这些信息,各团队在例行程序中分享他们上周的感受,以及本来可以做得更好的细节。

提升复杂性极限需要将工具、流程和例行程序结合起来。像 Compass 这样的开发人员体验平台可以帮助您了解系统运行状况、绘制依赖关系并创建持续的例行程序,帮助提升复杂性极限并释放组织中软件交付团队的潜力。

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What are some best practices for monitoring and testing microservices?

To test and monitor microservices effectively, use monitoring data, set the proper alert levels, automate tests, set up continuous integration and delivery pipelines, and regularly test their performance and security. These methods ensure that your platforms work reliably. 

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