Lightning Talk: A Modern Work Manifesto for High-Functioning Teams

“Modern work” is a puzzle many are struggling to figure out. To realize its potential (and avoid its pitfalls), we believe teams need to rethink the work foundation. Based on thousands of customer inputs, we’re ready to show you the 8 key principles for modern work success.

No matter your organization’s workforce dynamic, the truth is that you are part of a distributed team. Standard work practices often cause more friction than flow. Leaders must find new ways to help teams effectively collaborate and achieve the desired outcomes for their businesses.

Atlassian, a modern work pioneer, is well-known for developing technologies and practices that help organizations maximize the effectiveness of their distributed workforce. In this, the first episode of our new limited-run series of Lightning Talks exploring Modern Work topics, Atlassian’s Head Work Futurist, Dominic Price, will delve into the Modern Work Manifesto, an aggregation of over 8 years of work with hundreds of organizations around the globe.


Dom Price

Head of Research & Development

Dom Price is the head of R&D and work futurist at Atlassian. With nearly 20 years of experience managing global teams, Dom is passionate about discovering patterns that help teams work together in the most efficient, effective way possible. Originally from Manchester, Dom now calls Sydney home after more than 12 years on the shores of Australia. Find him on Twitter! @DomPrice

Mark Cruth

Modern Work Evangelist, Atlassian

Mark Cruth jest stałym ekspertem Atlassian ds. nowoczesnych metod pracy. Mark, który przekłada praktykę nad teorię, całymi dniami szkoli zespoły Atlassian i klientów w zakresie nowych sposobów pracy, a następnie dzieli się tym, czego nauczył się podczas wydarzeń na całym świecie.

W momencie dołączenia do Atlassian w 2019 roku Mark miał za sobą ponad dziesięć lat doświadczenia w eksperymentowaniu z metodami pracy i pomaganiu ludziom, zespołom i organizacjom, takim jak Boeing, Nordstrom, TD Ameritrade i Rocket Mortgage, w przeprowadzaniu transformacji. Mark postawił sobie za cel wprowadzanie nowoczesnych sposobów pracy i nastawienia na transformację, wykorzystując umiejętności opowiadania z perspektywy eksperta we wszystkim, co robi.