
Jira Product Discovery 제공 개요

아이디어가 탐색에서 제공으로 어떻게 이동합니까?

소프트웨어 개발 수명 주기(SDLC)의 주요 목표는 일정한 기간 및 예산 내에서 고객의 기대치를 충족하거나 뛰어넘는 높은 품질의 소프트웨어를 효율적이고 효과적으로 만드는 것입니다. 팀마다 작업 방식이 다르지만 기본적인 워크플로는 다음 단계를 따릅니다.

  1. 주차장: 백로그에 있으며 고려할 준비가 된 "불확실한" 아이디어부터 시작합니다. 이러한 아이디어는 아직 조사하거나 우선 순위가 지정되지 않았으며 고객, 고객 대상 팀 또는 경영진이 제안했을 가능성이 높습니다.
  2. 탐색: 조사, 고객 인터뷰, 문제 및 해결책의 유효성 검사를 통해 아이디어를 탐색하여 추구할 가치가 있는지 확인합니다. 아이디어의 실현 가능성을 평가하기 위해 기술 스파이크와 같은 최소한의 개발 작업이 필요할 수 있습니다. 끝날 때쯤이면 아이디어에 우선 순위가 지정되어 있을 것입니다(또는 지정되지 않음).
  3. Ready for delivery: These are “certain” ideas that have been validated, assessed for impact, prioritized, and are now committed to by the team. This is the transition point from discovery to delivery where we prepare for development.
  4. Delivery: Ideas are in progress! They are being designed, built, tested, and deployed.
  5. Impact: We’ve shipped! Ideas have been delivered to customers, and now we monitor the impact and feedback. Any insights will be fed into the next round of improvements, and the cycle repeats itself.

It’s important to remember that while it’s easiest to explain discovery and delivery as phases in a cycle, they are often not concrete moments in time, or perfectly linear. They are continuous and require constant listening and iterating.

How do Jira Product Discovery and Jira Software work together?

Jira Product Discovery gives you a separate space for prioritization and roadmapping and figuring out what ideas to commit to on the roadmap. Once ideas have commitment, connect them to your delivery tickets in Jira Software. Ideally you shouldn’t have any tasks in your Jira Software backlog that are not 100% committed to. By having both discovery and delivery in Jira, business and tech teams are more connected with a unified workflow, less context switching, and more visibility.

The table below highlights the best way to think about Jira Product Discovery and Jira Software together.


Jira Product Discovery

Jira Software





Helps you decide what to work on now, next, and later

Helps you plan and track how committed-to work will be done

Jobs it accomplishes

  • Gathering ideas and insights
  • 우선 순위 지정
  • Roadmapping

  • Planning execution
  • 종속성 매핑
  • Delivery tracking

How do I connect ideas to delivery tickets in Jira Software

You can connect Jira Product Discovery ideas to any issue type in Jira Software (or Jira Work Management). As long as your software project is on the same site as your discovery project, you can connect an idea to an epic with multiple child issues, or have a one:many relationship and connect one idea to multiple epics across multiple software projects.

To link an idea to a delivery ticket in Jira Software:

  1. Click on any idea and click the Delivery tab in the top right
  2. Select Create a delivery ticket if you want to create and connect to a new epic or issue, or select Add a delivery ticket to connect to existing issues
프로젝트 개요 스크린샷

How to customize delivery progress

Once your delivery tickets are connected, a progress bar will appear that reflects the statuses of your connected issues. You can choose to estimate progress based on issue count or story points that have been set in Jira Software.

To customize delivery progress and statuses:

1. Click into any idea and click the Delivery tab in the idea panel

2. Click the progress bar and select Configure delivery progress

3. Choose the estimation type (default or simple) and the estimation value (issue count or story points). Note that your Jira Software project must be company-managed to estimate progress based on story points.

View our documentation for details on estimation types and estimation values.

How to visualize delivery progress in views

With your delivery tickets connected, you can also create views specific to delivery progress by adding certain fields that are calculated based on the Jira Software epics and issues linked to the idea:

  • Delivery status - displays the delivery status for the idea, which is calculated based on the number of issues per status or the number of story points per status
  • Delivery progress - displays the delivery progress bar for the idea, which is calculated based on the number of issues per status or the number of story points per status

You can also add extra information like Due date, Assignee or Team.