Like a roommate who always changes the toilet paper or a spouse who immediately unloads the dishwasher, Confluence has unsung heroes who diligently keep your sites tidy. Inside Atlassian, we refer to these champions as “gardeners.” These are the people inside organizations who tend to the page tree, keeping content fresh and branches orderly. We have them to thank for making Confluence a reliable source of information for the entire team.

Do you recognize this teammate?

✏️ The designer on your team who ensures that top-level pages have a corresponding emoji
✔️ The front end developer who triple checks page naming conventions so that everyone can easily find what they need
👍 The product manager who spins up templates so when you kick off a new project, there’s already a project poster, decision register, competitive analysis, and customer interview template ready to go

We’ve built new tools especially for these patron saints of organization. With our new page archiving and bulk archiving features, we’ve made it easier than ever for your gardeners to trim your page tree. In fact, now it’s easy for anyone to hone their green thumb in Confluence!

Page archive and bulk archive help everyone by:

  • Reassuring people in your org that content in Confluence is up to date and trustworthy
  • Keeping your page tree neat and presentable for clients
  • Making it easier to for people to find what they need when there’s less clutter to dig through
  • Improving page tree load times

Who can use page archiving and bulk archiving?

Single-page archiving is available on all Confluence sites with a Standard plan, while bulk archiving, and additional features coming soon, like archive recommendations and basic workflows (including auto-archiving), are available to customers on the Confluence Cloud Premium plan.

Page archive can be found in the ellipsis menu in the top right of any published page. Bulk archive is found in the space sidebar.

These are important features for content management, so we created a new permission that admins can grant to anyone who manages content. Content creators can also archive their own pages. Archived pages also maintain the permissions they had before. That way, you can still access an old page even if it has been archived, but you aren’t able to make changes to the page unless it’s restored to your space.

Here are all the ways to use page and bulk archive to keep your Confluence site organized:

  • Suppose you’re searching for content and stumble upon a page that’s outdated. Rather than moving on, go ahead and archive the page to make sure others don’t stumble upon it either.
  • Say you have a meeting notes section in your page tree with notes from the past three years. With bulk archive available in Confluence Cloud Premium, you can select all the meeting notes you no longer need and archive them all at once. From the bulk archive view, you can see the context of the page tree as well as when a page was last updated to help you decide if your pages are stale and ready to be filed away.
  • Imagine your space has old client projects that you no longer need, but you may want to refer to in the future. Select all of the old pages in the project and remove them from your page tree with the confidence that you can find them in the archive later if you need to. Pages retain their structure in the archive so you can prune entire sections and keep things organized.

Don’t worry! You can restore one or multiple pages at any time. Pages default to their original location, or you can set a new parent page from an existing page. If the original parent page no longer exists in the page tree, pages default to the top of the tree. We’re also also adding multi-selection to the archive so you can restore or delete multiple pages, plus all of their children in one go.

Now that you understand how to use page and bulk archive, you’re probably wondering…what happens when a page is archived? We’re so glad you asked!

  • Archived pages no longer appear in the following places in Confluence: space-level page trees, quick search and advanced search results, analytics, activity feed, editor macros, page links, nor on home.
  • Links to archived pages will still work, but smart links are labeled as archived with UI lozenges, and archived pages have a banner and limitations on functionality.
  • In order to preserve the state of the pages at the time of archive, the following actions are disabled on archived pages: edit, like, move, copy, view in hierarchy, share, add/remove labels, add/edit/delete attachments, add comment (inline and page), like/reply/delete/resolve comments, add/complete/remove tasks, import Word document.

You can find archived pages in the archive section of each space. To navigate to each space’s archive, scroll to the bottom of its page tree.

We hope you and your team’s gardeners love these new features and they improve your Confluence sites. Please try out archiving and let us know how you like it!

Introducing page and bulk archiving in Confluence Cloud