Articles About


Connect your Compass internal developer platform to Jira, keep dev teams in the flow with Jira Work Suggestions, reduce compliance risk with Bitbucket custom merge checks, and more

Learn more about our newly improved AWS and Azure templates to simplify how you deploy Jira, Bitbucket, and Confluence Data Center.

At Atlassian, we want to give our customers choice in how they deploy Atlassian products: in the cloud, managed by...

Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace found the number of employees working remotely reached 43%, up from 39% in 2012. In 2018,...

How much time do you spend every week trying to find things? At home, it’s finding your keys and, at...

Bitbucket Cloud and Jira Software Cloud integrate in some pretty cool ways. Here are our 5 favorites.