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Atlassian Automation remains a critical tool for streamlining workflows in the ever-changing landscape of software development, project management, customer support,...

Jira's been redesigned into three purpose-built experiences for software, IT, and business teams. Why? We discovered that a third of our users were using Jira for non-software projects. So we decided rather than have...

The new customizable sidebar brings projects and your team to center stage in Jira Software. Read on for our list of conventional (and not-so-conventional) ways to use it.

Today we're thrilled to announce the next branch in Jira's evolution: Jira Software. This new branch was created specifically for software teams, the customers who made Jira great from the beginning.

At Atlassian, we love interacting and listening to you, our customers. Two years ago at Summit 2013, Atlassian introduced Jira Service Desk in response to customers who were looking to use Jira as an...

$48,500. That was the PricewaterhouseCoopers salary that I turned down in 2002 to start Atlassian with Mike Cannon-Brookes. There was...