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Enhancing Account Security In today’s digital age, ensuring the security of our online accounts is more crucial than ever. With...

Since we launched Jira Data Center in July 2014, Disaster Recovery has been one of the most frequently requested features from customers. Jira is business critical and customers want to be prepared and ensure...

Keeping up with numerous user directories for email, Confluence, and other software you use at work can quickly turn into a headache. Google Apps integration can make managing your user directory easier especially if...

We're thrilled to announce Snippets, available now in Bitbucket, where you can create and manage multi-file snippets of all kinds. We took a different approach than standard pastebin or gist and we built Snippets...

Who loves feedback? I can you tell that we do. We love it so much that we've created a team dedicated to seeking, synthesizing, and taking action on feedback from our customers. We call it...

We built Confluence Questions to help you share tribal knowledge and get answers to your questions at work. It's helped us share broad, Atlassian-wide questions and get answers to specific questions, too. Today, we're...