Two new additions to Trello views makes them even more powerful! We are excited to introduce a new look to the views switcher plus an entirely new view: the Table at the single board level.
Let’s start with a refresh: Trello views make it easier for you to visualize and manage your work in Trello beyond the board itself. Calendar, Table, Timeline, Dashboard, and Map views give you more options for planning team work and exposing dependencies, risks, and tasks.
Switch on the full picture
With the new views switcher, select the desired project representation to see all your team’s progress at a glance.
Now, users can more easily distinguish the drop-down button and navigate to the views switcher. Instead of hiding in the left corner, the drop-down button is now front and center on the board menu.
Also, toggling between views has never been easier. Users can select their favorite views for each board and pin them to the board menu for quick, single-click access.
Further customize the views switcher by dragging and dropping the different views to rearrange them in any order you see fit.
Previously, users switched board views by clicking the “Board” button on the top left corner of a Trello board. From this, a drop-down menu would display the different views available.
One list to rule your teamwork
Along with the new views switcher, we’re excited to introduce a Table view at the single board level. Creating and editing tasks and cards in a list format is now faster and easier, so you can get to work in fewer clicks.
Trello’s views are available to all Premium and Enterprise customers. Want to try views with your team? Start a free trial today!
Table view brings a clearer perspective to all the work happening across your lists on a single board. When you need to see cards or tasks in a compact, manageable table format alongside crucial information like lists, labels, members, and due dates, Trello’s single board Table view makes it easy for teams to collaborate, align, and deliver work.
Getting your tasks in a row (what is it good for?)
Here are just a few ways that the table view can be used today:
- Get to work from a list: Define your project in the default board view with initial lists, labels, and members. Then jump right in and start adding tasks from the Table view and add information to tasks as you go along.
- Evaluate in-progress projects: Get an overview of current and upcoming project tasks with one glance. To ensure no teamwork is overlooked, sort by ascending due dates.
- Keep track of personal and team member workloads: Filter cards on the table to show only the ones assigned to you, or another teammate. Managers can make sure that workloads are balanced between team members to prevent burnout.
- Collect discussion topics ahead of time and create action items during team meetings: Have team members add a “To Discuss” label to cards and filter for those cards from your board. As you go through each card, update information like lists, due dates, and members without leaving the Table view.
How to create a new Table view for your team
From your Trello board, access the Table view from the views switcher and a list of cards will be displayed that can be filtered by lists, labels, members, and due dates. From the Table view, you can edit cards, change lists, and add new cards, labels, members, and due dates.
Click on the card title to open the card or the pencil icon to change the card title. By clicking on the due dates, lists, members and labels in Table view, you can conveniently change them without toggling back to board view.
Adding new cards
You can add new cards in just one click directly from the Table View. Hover your cursor in between two cards and you will see the ‘+’ button. Once you add a new card, you can choose the list, title, and the due date for the card. After the new card is added, it will show up at the bottom of the Table.
Accessing the Table view
For access to the Table View, make sure the board is on a Trello Premium or Trello Enterprise Workspace. You should see the view switcher next to the board title, click it to see all the available views, and choose Table.
When do I use Workspace Table view versus Table view?
Your Trello team’s Workspace Table offers a multi-board perspective and helps you connect the dots across projects and initiatives. Trello’s new Table is the best way to get an overview of tasks and elements on just one board.
The new Views switcher, Table view, and all of Trello’s views are available to Premium and Enterprise customers. Start a free trial today!