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With Rewatch, Loom will help you run more efficient meetings by automating post-meeting follow-up

A new study conducted by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth’s Center for Marketing Research confirms the trend I’ve seen especially...

Rod Boothby, Innovation Creators blogger, writes that organisations should consider implementing a Read/Write Intranet, which is precisely what many of...

Did you know the Constitution Day site is actually Confluence in disguise? We’ve blogged about it before, but now you...

Just about everything in Confluence shows polish and attention to detail. You can instantly create pages in the designated space...

So when I came to Atlassian I didn’t know what to expect. First day, I was introduced to the Javablogs...

Linden Lab, makers of the virtual reality game Second Life, called us late last week to tell us they wanted...

Just a quick blog mention and interesting customer example: IBM is deploying wikis both internally and externally, and point the...

At Atlassian we believe in eating your own dogfood. We’ve therefore setup Bamboo to continuously build and integrate our own...

Many of Jira’s users are software developers, and most of them also use version control software. (If you’re working on...

Confluence 2.3: bigger, better, and ready for download. The latest edition offers users an optional clustered configuration, Confluence Massive, that...