Our Data Center offering continues to evolve, responding to customer needs and an ever-unfolding technological landscape. A lot has changed since we first launched as a clustered deployment solution. Initially, Data Center was built to provide Server customers with improved scalability and reliability as their products grew in importance to their business.

Over time, our enterprise customers shared feedback with us that they didn’t always need high availability. Some wanted compliance with new security regulations, scaling or enhancing the security of their user management capabilities, or improved support for their distributed teams. We’ve made a number of changes to evolve Data Center from a clustered deployment solution into a self-managed enterprise edition. 

2-minute upgrade to Data Center

Data Center offers the ability to choose clustering depending on your needs. Customers without the need for high availability can access all the new Data Center features we’ve launched without having to deploy a clustered architecture and take on the expense and overhead of setting up additional infrastructure components – multiple nodes, a load balancer, and shared file system.

This means you can run Data Center with the exact same architecture you’re currently using in Server. Simply drop in your new license key and upgrade in two minutes or less.

Enterprise features, out of the box

Once you’ve inputted your new license key, you can tackle your high-priority initiatives with instant access to enterprise features, right out of the box. Atlassian Data Center products provide value in a number of areas, including performance at scale, enhanced reliability capabilities, advanced user management, and security and compliance controls. Here are just a few ways customers are looking to take advantage of these features in their non-clustered environment:

  • Preventing performance degradation: Use any of our performance tools, like issue and project archiving in Jira Software and Jira Service Desk, to quickly cool down your instance without having to deploy in a clustered environment.
  • Limiting unexpected periods of downtime: Are you experiencing threats from bad actors like poorly written scripts or users who are abusing the system? With Data Center’s enhanced reliability capabilities like rate-limiting and external process pool, you can prevent downtime caused by specific actions or events.
  • Supporting your increasingly distributed or remote teams: With Data Center features like support for CDN, you can ensure your teams, regardless of their location, aren’t experiencing delays when they try to load pages or issues.
  • Managing your growing list of users: Atlassian Data Center’s advanced user management capabilities, SAML and OpenID, offer sophisticated security controls for a secure and seamless SSO experience. Many of our customers who struggle to manage permissions at scale in Confluence also look to our advanced permissions capabilities to ensure their users have access to the right content, and that they can prepare the necessary compliance reports upon request.
  • Protecting your proprietary information: With Data Center security features like Advanced Auditing, you can have the visibility and security-relevant digital records needed to help demonstrate compliance, improve security, and improve workflows.
  • Unlocking data and insights: Atlassian Data Center’s products help inform and drive your decision-making capabilities through actionable data and insights. With data pipeline capabilities, you can break down team and organizational silos to understand how work is getting done across an organization, determine whether you’re delivering on the correct outcomes, and discover insights quickly.

Access these enhancements and more that we’ve been adding to Data Center directly from your admin console – without making any changes to your existing architecture or going through a bunch of pre-production testing. Look for more updates in our Data Center product line as we continue to invest in an enterprise-grade platform that supports your teams in their innovation for years to come, whether you choose to cluster or not.

Are you ready to deploy Data Center in a non-clustered environment? Read more here.

2 minutes to upgrade: a new and simplified Data Center deployment