Articles About


Blackboards had a long and storied history of aiding people in illustrating and explaining ideas. Whiteboards later took over the...

Agile software development supports a release plan, but it's challenging to coordinate that on a multi-team level when you've got a lot of dependencies between teams. Rosetta Stone, a language learning technology company, found...

Using both Jira Software and Portfolio for Jira, teams can see whether the day-to-day work they're doing maps directly to the company's overall strategy. But people often ask me "well, what happens in Portfolio...

Since the launch of Jira Software, we’ve added some features to make the lives of every software team member easier. But you might not know these features exist! Read on to learn how these...

We recently conducted a survey to assess and evaluate the latest software development trends amongst our customer base and more than 1,300 people weighed in. While most of our insights are focused on process,...

If your company is like ours, you've implemented agile development, partly because your teams crave the freedom and flexibility to work the way they want. But you've probably noticed that the larger your company...