
Jira Software와 VersionOne 비교

Jira Software is built for every member of your software team to plan, track, and release great software. See how it stacks up against VersionOne.

Jira Software와 VersionOne 비교

From an industry leading workflow engine to powerful search and reporting, Jira Software gives your team everything you need to plan, track, and release great software.


전체 그림을 개략적으로 그리고 로드맵이 팀의 작업에 연결되게 합니다.

애자일 보드

프레임워크에 맞는 도구: 스크럼 및 칸반 보드가 팀이 고객에게 가치를 더 빠르게 제공할 수 있도록 하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

워크플로 엔진

사전 정의된 워크플로를 사용하여 빠르게 시작하거나 고유의 워크플로를 설계하세요.

DevOps 지표

개발 도구의 정보를 Jira로 가져오고 소프트웨어 pipeline에 대한 가시성을 확보하세요.

VersionOne보다 Jira Software를 선택하는 이유는 무엇일까요?

See what makes Jira Software the #1 software development tool used by agile teams.


Jira Software


Visual workflow designer

Jira Software's visual workflow designer allows you to design custom workflows for any team's unique work process.

Jira Software


Issue and bug tracking

Capture, track, and resolve bugs and issues throughout the entire development process with Jira Software.

Jira Software


Drag and drop task prioritization

Update your tasks and your team with ease in Jira Software. Transition issues and prioritize tasks with simple drag and drop functionality.

Jira Software


Dashboard with customizable gadgets

Create custom dashboards in Jira Software that contain everything you need to plan and track your work. Fill these dashboards with customizable gadgets that suit any need.

Jira Software


Agile planning and reporting

Plan, prioritize, and iterate your team's work with ease with Jira Software. Gain real-time, actionable insights into how your team is performing sprint over sprint.

Jira Software



Integrate Jira Software with all of the tools that your team is already using by leveraging its robust set of APIs.

Jira Software


Marketplace with 1,000+ plug-and-play add-ons

Every software development team works differently. Install 1,000+ plug-and-play add-ons from the Atlassian Marketplace to extend Jira Software to fit any use case or development process.

Jira Software


Runs on Cloud and Data Center

Deployment flexibility is key. Utilize Jira Software in the Cloud or on Data Center, the choice is yours.

Jira Software


Data center deployment

Perfect for enterprises or teams who require high availability and performance at scale, Jira Software Data Center gives your entire organization peace of mind for this mission critical application.

Jira Software


Agile portfolio management tool with project schedule

Get visibility across all teams and projects with Portfolio for Jira. Forecast realistic roadmaps, manage team resources and track progress with real-time planning.

Jira Software


Information effective July 24 2019

“Jira를 선택한 것은 회사가 내릴 수 있었던 최고의 결정라고 생각합니다. 회사 전체의 제품 의사 결정에 대한 가시성을 높이는 스프린트 보드부터 티켓이 업데이트될 때 실시간 알림을 받는 Slack 통합에 이르기까지 비즈니스 요구 사항에 대한 엔드투엔드 솔루션이 됩니다.”

전 세계 65,000명 이상의 고객이 신뢰합니다

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Jira Software로 전환

All the features your team needs to build great software, at a fraction of the cost. Choose Jira Software today.