Today we are deprecating a Sourcetree-specific portion of the Atlassian Account sign-in API and it will be unreachable after 16 Oct 2019.

One year ago we shipped an all-new onboarding experience in 3.0 for both Mac and Windows powered by a Bitbucket login in your default browser. Prior to that, in early 2018, we tweaked the in-app registration process on Mac to use a new endpoint provided by the Atlassian Account team to achieve a more seamless experience. We are now migrating users away from this individual endpoint as it will allow their team to deliver a better Atlassian Account experience overall.


  1. Download and install the latest release of Sourcetree for Mac.
  2. If you are unable to do so for any reason, download an applicable 2.x release and then perform the following steps in Terminal to setup prior to launching the app:
  • run defaults write com.TorusKnot.SourceTreeNotMAS agreedToEULA2 YES
  • then defaults write com.TorusKnot.SourceTreeNotMAS EmailHash DeprecatedEndpoint2019
  • finally defaults write com.TorusKnot.SourceTreeNotMAS completedWelcomeWizardVersion 3


There is no impact to existing installations of Sourcetree for Mac.

The following Sourcetree for Mac releases will require mitigation as noted above:

  • 2.7
  • 2.7.1
  • 2.7.2
  • 2.7.3
  • 2.7.4
  • 2.7.5
  • 2.7.6

Note: The registration and Atlassian Account portion of the Welcome Wizard will no longer complete after 16 Oct 2019.

To discuss this or any other Sourcetree topic please visit Atlassian Community.

Sourcetree for Mac 2.7 Sign-In Deprecated