Over 107,000 customers use Atlassian applications, ranging from large enterprises to startups. It’s natural for our customers to have different needs based on their growth goals and objectives. We address these various needs by focusing on product flexibility and extensibility through our deployment options and Marketplace apps. Now, this flexibility extends to our support model – we know that as you scale and experience growth in your Atlassian products, so do your needs for support.

Today, we’re introducing new support offerings for teams who demand an immediate response and more hands-on technical support. Priority Support for Atlassian Server and Atlassian Cloud are designed to complement your product investments and ensure that you can be successful as you scale Atlassian in your environment. Regardless of which deployment option you use, keep your systems running smoothly with direct access to highly-trained support engineers, faster SLAs, and enhanced availability.

Read on to learn more about our existing, new and updated support offerings.

Premier Support, our highest level of support

Premier Support is Atlassian’s account-level support offering and has been available since 2014. It covers unlimited tickets for all your Atlassian applications and provides 24/7 access to a team of dedicated senior support engineers for all issues, including planned downtime.

Our Premier Support teams are made up of the most tenured support engineers at Atlassian. To help establish familiarity with your account, Premier Support engineers perform a thorough onboarding of your products, environments, and contacts. This includes an onboarding call, questionnaire, and analysis of current diagnostic information. Premier Support engineers also perform application health checks to ensure your Atlassian products are running smoothly – and help you proactively address issues and gain insight into potential pitfalls.

With Premier Support, 24/7 coverage for your account ensures smoother upgrades and rollouts. It includes our fastest coverage SLAs, inbound phone support, assistance with scheduled outages, and maintenance work to ensure your systems restart correctly. Our critical incident management process also includes 24-hour global warm handoffs and escalations.

Premier Support includes coverage for all of your Atlassian applications. For teams who are standardizing on the Atlassian suite or scaling multiple mission-critical Atlassian applications, Premier Support offers our highest level of support.

Introducing Priority Support

Priority Support for Atlassian Server

For our Server and Data Center customers, as you have scaled your Atlassian applications, they’ve become mission-critical to you. Priority Support for Server was created to ensure there will always be a support option for you as you continue to experience growth. This new support offering is designed to provide you with faster response times, more flexibility for planned downtime, inbound phone support for production-impacting issues, access to teams of advanced support engineers for critical issues and extended coverage hours.

With this new offering, we let you choose the right level of support for your organization. Priority Support for Server includes enhanced coverage by an advanced team of senior support engineers for all critical issues impacting production. You can count on our support team to handle all production impacting issues 24/7. This flexibility lets you plan downtime more effectively and know that an advanced team of support engineers will be available after business hours. For all other issues, you’ll also receive the same great support during your work week.

Purchasing Priority Support with your Atlassian Server or Data Center license allows you to plan and budget accordingly. When you purchase a Priority Support for Server license, you’ll be able to choose which of your Atlassian Server and Data Center products you would like to apply Priority Support to. Add Priority Support to your mission-critical Atlassian applications and ensure success as you scale Atlassian in your Server or Data Center environment.

Priority Support for Atlassian Cloud

For customers running critical business operations on top of our cloud solutions, we understand that every minute counts when it comes to getting the help that you need. We created Priority Support for Cloud for just that reason – to give you elevated levels of support to help you speed up resolutions and keep your critical Atlassian Cloud systems running smoothly.

Priority Support for Cloud comes with one-hour response times for critical issues including weekend availability. For non-business-critical issues you’ll receive 24-hour turnarounds during the weekdays. Our dedicated round-the-world, round-the-clock support team will be standing by to ensure you get the answers you need, when you need it.

Priority Support for Cloud comes bundled with Identity Manager which will be available for purchase come early 2018. Once you purchase Identity Manager, you’ll get Priority Support across all of the Atlassian Cloud products that Identity Manager is available for. If your business requires enhanced support levels, add Identity Manager to your Atlassian Cloud suite.

Standard Support will become Select Support

In addition to our new Priority Support offerings, Select Support is coming in February 2018. Select Support will replace Standard Support as our basic support offering and will be included with all Atlassian Server, Data Center and Cloud license and active maintenance purchases.

Our Select Support engineers will be available during your business hours, 8AM-5PM, Monday through Friday. Select Support engineers go through thorough rigorous product and technical training – and they follow a consistent troubleshooting methodology, which will speed up communication with you and their understanding of the problem. They are knowledgeable about all Atlassian products and deployment options, and you’ll be able to rely on them to provide expert guidance and solutions for specific situations.

Select Support teams will be located worldwide and operate during your business hours. For production-impacting issues, you can expect a response from our team within 2 business hours, within 6 business hours for large business impacting issues, within 1 business day for moderate business impacting issues and within 2 business days for limited business impacting issues. We know that for the majority of our customers, resolution of their issue is more important than response time and this change will allow us to enhance your Select Support experience. For those who need faster response times, our Priority Support or Premier Support offerings may be a better option.

Choose what works for you

Atlassian Support services are designed to help you make the most out of your product investments. Across our Server and Data Center support offerings, now you have the flexibility to choose the support option that works for you, and with the release of Identity Manager, elevated levels of support will be available through Priority Support for Atlassian Cloud soon.

Learn more about our support offerings

Expanding Atlassian Support offerings