How Atlassian HR empowers its distributed workforce

Remote and hybrid work as well as new technologies like AI have required HR teams to change how they operate. Learn how Atlassian HR leaders and their teams embraced HR Service Management to adapt to the shifting landscape and continue to deliver great employee experiences in our distributed company.

In the past few years, we’ve seen a significant shift in our work environments with remote and hybrid setups. At Atlassian, we created our Team Anywhere policy to give employees more flexibility in where they choose to work, tap into pools of talent beyond where our offices are located, and to reimagine how work gets done - both for ourselves and our customers.

As a result, that brought a new set of questions our HR team had to tackle like:

  • How do we maintain and grow company and team culture when distributed, whether that’s connecting with coworkers or commemorating special occasions?
  • How does an employee get help for questions like getting access to a new tool, what professional development resources are available to them, and more?
  • How do we retain and develop talent in a changing labor market?

Join our Head of Global Talent and HRBP, Avani Prabhakar, and our Head of Atlassian Corporate Engineering, Tal Saraf, for a conversation with Product Marketing Manager Jeremy Cooley. They’ll chat about:

  • Tried and true practices that helped Atlassian HR maintain and grow our company culture, values, and teamwork with Team Anywhere
  • How to empower employee productivity in a remote environment
  • How having the right HR Service Management tools streamlines service experiences


Avani Prabhakar

Global Head of Talent and HRBP, Atlassian

Atlassian의 글로벌 인재 및 HRBP 책임자인 Avani Prabhakar는 Atlassian의 글로벌 사업부 전반에 걸쳐 HRBP, 고용 관계, 인재, M&A 및 DEI 부문에서 약 100명으로 구성된 팀을 이끌고 있습니다. APAC, 중동 및 미국 전역에서 국제적인 경험을 쌓은 뛰어난 직원 팀 임원으로서 Avani는 변화의 여정을 나아가는 조직에서 성과를 창출하고 문화 혁신을 주도하기 위한 직원 전략을 이끄는 데 열정을 가지고 있습니다.

Tal Saraf

Head of Engineering, Atlassian Corporate Engineering

Atlassian 기업 엔지니어링 부문 책임자인 Tal Saraf는 회사의 확장성에 필수적인 데이터 및 비즈니스 시스템 팀을 관리합니다. 30년 이상의 경력을 바탕으로 클라우드, 서버 및 모바일과 같은 다양한 환경에서 분산 시스템을 설계하고 관리한 풍부한 경력을 가지고 있습니다. 이전에는 Meta, Starbucks, Cisco, Amazon Web Services 및 Microsoft에서 리더십 직위를 맡았습니다.

Jeremy Cooley

Product Marketing Manager, ITSM, Atlassian

Jeremy is a Product Marketing Manager on the Atlassian ITSM team focused on content creation and customer onboarding. Formerly a Product Advocate at Atlassian, he has worked closely with product evaluators, helping them better understand how Jira Service Management and Confluence can unleash the potential in every team.