Atlassian DevOps Talks: Fireside Chat with CICD experts

Atlassian Open DevOps presents DevOps Talks. Join CICD experts and leaders from Bitbucket Pipelines, CircleCI, Harness, and Octopus Deploy as they share tips and tricks for implementing DevOps pipelines.

When the entirety of developer productivity rests on your shoulders, it can be daunting to introduce pipeline changes. That’s why Atlassian Open DevOps is introducing DevOps Talks. In this series, we’re bringing together DevOps leaders to share their learnings, cautionary tales, and answers to any burning questions you might have!

Join continuous integration continuous deployment (CICD) experts from Bitbucket Pipelines, CircleCI, Harness, and Octopus Deploy as they share lessons from implementing pipelines for development teams of all topologies, sizes, and industries. In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What to do and what not to do when implementing and configuring your CICD pipeline
  • How to alter your pipelines to meet industry specific standards
  • Where they think the future of CICD is going



Daniel Tao

Head of Engineering, DevOps

Daniel Tao est Head of Engineering pour DevOps chez Atlassian, dirigeant l'organisation d'ingénierie responsable des produits destinés aux développeurs Bitbucket Cloud, Compass et Statuspage ainsi que des solutions Open DevOps. Il a supervisé diverses initiatives d'Atlassian, notamment la migration du data center Bitbucket vers AWS, un virage stratégique visant à soutenir les entreprises dans le cloud et le lancement d'un nouveau produit bêta (Compass), entre autres. L'expérience professionnelle de Dan couvre une grande variété de postes dans des entreprises précédentes, notamment ThoughtWorks, Google et de nombreuses start-ups dans les secteurs de la finance, du divertissement, de la vente au détail et de l'éducation.

John Bristowe

Product Director at Octopus Deploy

John is part of the amazing team at Octopus Deploy where he is responsible for product integrations. Before joining Octopus Deploy, he worked at Progress, Telerik, and Microsoft.

Rick Burta

Senior Software Engineer at CircleCI

Rick Burta is a senior software engineer on CircleCI’s Data Intelligence team. His focus is on using data-driven insights to build reliable and performant software. Rick is passionate about artificial general intelligence, automation, and graphs. When not working, he can be found at the beach walking his dog, reading a book, or being consistently humbled by the Rust compiler.

Nick Durkin

VP of Field Engineering & Field CTO at Harness

Nick Durkin is Field CTO for Harness, the first Software Delivery Platform to use AI to simplify DevOps processes, including CI, CD, Feature Flags, Cloud Costs, Chaos Engineering, and much more. He is responsible for the organization's worldwide field engineering team, post-sales engineering team, and a portion of product. He previously held technical and executive roles at OverOps, DataTorrent, and Zelle (Early Warning), where he ran critical infrastructure for the United States government. He also served as lead architect on the Department of Homeland Security’s Financial Institution – Verifying Identity Credential Service (FIVICS) initiative.

Ian Buchanan

Principal Partner Engineer, Open DevOps

Bien qu'Ian dispose d'une vaste expérience des langages Java et .NET, il est reconnu comme un champion des méthodologies Agile dans les grandes entreprises. Il se concentre actuellement sur l'émergence de la culture DevOps et les outils permettant de renforcer l'intégration continue, la livraison continue et l'analyse des données. Durant sa carrière, il a géré, avec succès, des outils de développement d'entreprise durant toutes les phases du cycle de vie. Il a mené des améliorations des processus à l'échelle de l'entreprise pour accroître la productivité, la qualité et la satisfaction des clients. Il a formé des équipes multinationales qui attachent de l'importance à l'autonomie et à l'organisation personnelle. Lorsqu'il n'est pas en pleine discussion ou programmation, Ian s'adonne à ses passions : les analyseurs, la métaprogrammation et les langages spécifiques d'un domaine. Suivez Ian sous @devpartisan.