Confluence 101: using pages (so the dog can’t eat your homework)

Confluence 101: using pages (so the dog can’t eat your homework)

The second Confluence 101 article talks about creating content with pages. It’s meant to give you the foundation necessary for confidence and success creating useful Confluence pages. The article covers the basic concepts of pages, some best practices, and tips and tricks.

Creating great work content is at the core of the Confluence experience. If you’re organizing a team meeting, plan the agenda and take notes in Confluence. If you’re spec’ing out a new product or feature, create the product requirements in Confluence. The point is, if there’s a document you need to create for your team, we think Confluence should be your go-to tool.

And remember: every page you create in Confluence lives online. You’ll never again have to worry about where you put your information, or come up with an excuse about which of your animals used your content for food.

Confluence 101: creating content with pages

In our second Confluence 101 article we want to give you the foundation necessary to be confident and successful at creating useful pages. The article covers the basic concepts of pages, some best practices, and tips and tricks.

Enjoy the article, and stay tuned: we have more blogs, a webinar, and the final Confluence 101 article on the way. And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to catch up on the first Confluence 101 article about organizing work in spaces.

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