Drive your developer experience with data across Atlassian

You want your software team to be at their best. There can seem to be a million places to start. But to provide the best developer experience possible, you need to understand your software development at different levels from the team to the organization. We show you how to leverage the data across Jira Software, Compass, Atlassian Analytics, and Jira Align for continuous improvement in your software delivery.


In this webinar, join the Atlassian product team to discover how you can use data to:

  • Guide your DevOps health through DORA metrics
  • Manage your value streams with flow metrics
  • Identify bottlenecks in your processes
  • Find best practices across teams


Ben Jackson

Group Product Manager, Atlassian

Ben Jackson a rejoint Atlassian en 2019 avec plus de vingt ans d'expérience dans la gestion de produit, des start-ups aux grandes organisations. Il est Group Product Manager pour les expériences en matière de données et dirige depuis trois ans la stratégie en la matière qui a mené à la création de l'Atlassian Data Lake et au lancement et à la disponibilité générale d'Atlassian Analytics.