符合条件的初创公司可以 0 美元的价格获得我们的 Premium 版产品,最多可供 50 个用户使用,为期 12 个月。须遵守相应条件。了解更多
Atlassian expertise for nonprofit teams
Get custom product guidance, coaching, and support in real time from real people - free for nonprofits
Ways to team up with Atlassian
Explore ways to get hands-on, personalized guidance for your specific needs and questions. Best part? All programs are designed for nonprofits!
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Ask an Atlassian
Whether you’re exploring our products or already using them, you can connect with an Atlassian team member via video conference for hands-on, personalized support.
Partners for Nonprofits
Looking for more in-depth, long term support? If you’re already using an Atlassian product, apply for our Partners for Nonprofits program to receive up to 10 free consultancy days with an Atlassian product consultant of your choice.
Teamwork coaching
Are you looking to level up how your team works together? Partner with a coach to get a fresh perspective on how to breakdown silos, make cross-team collaboration fun, and increase productivity.
Meet nonprofit teams locally, connect globally
Join other social impact professionals locally or virtually to share feedback and get advice at nonprofit events and workshops, happening in a city near you.
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