Collaborate with your team using wiki software

We know. If you’re not familiar with using wiki software, the first thing you think of is probably Wikipedia. If that’s not the first thing, then it’s probably “WTF is a wiki?” Check out how you and your team can benefit from giving Confluence a try.

We know. If you’re not familiar with using wiki software, the first thing you think of is probably Wikipedia. If that’s not the first thing, then it’s probably “WTF is a wiki?” Often known to be used by technical teams, wiki software is diverse, powerful, and extremely useful for facilitating online team collaboration.

Wiki software is diverse, powerful, and extremely useful for facilitating online team collaboration.

Why wiki software and why Confluence

Confluence has come along way from its humble beginnings as advanced wiki software aimed at helping technical teams document and collaborate around work online. We’ve added tons of features and functionality aimed specifically at helping any team take advantage of the benefits of wiki software. Here are just a few reasons why Confluence is not just a wiki, but the perfect tool for online collaboration:

Elaborate with information-rich pages

One of the biggest benefits of wiki software is the ability to create diverse pieces of content. While content creation is a strength of most wikis, it can also be one of the biggest drawbacks as it requires non-technical users to be proficient in the use of wiki markup. The biggest difference between Confluence and other wikis, is that anyone can create content in Confluence – no special markup or syntax necessary. The Confluence editor makes it easy to format pages with layouts, make them visual with images and videos, or dynamic with macros.

Empower team collaboration with easy sharing

Wiki software is meant to be collaborative, and Confluence takes online collaboration to new heights. We’ve made it really simple to share content with the exact person or team that needs it, fast. Whether its a file list, project plan, or product requirement, it’s easy to distribute or ask for feedback using the share button. With everyone on the same page, it’s much easier to track changes, give feedback, and even make edits that everyone can follow.

Engage your team with active discussions

The benefit of online collaboration is being able to have asynchronous discussions around your work. Wikis are great for documenting technical requirements, policies, and knowledge articles, but these can become stale without active conversations and iterations to keep them current. Confluence makes it easy to comment on any page or blog post or to show approval with “likes.” These discussions always live alongside your work in Confluence, so if you ever want to see the reasoning behind a decision or change you can refer to the comments.

Add, discuss, and resolve suggestions on any page or file inline. Give your feedback in context and in one place so you can spend your time revising and improving, not piecing together comments from various sources.

Hungry for more?

These are just a few reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid to use wiki software to help your team collaborate better. Check out a few others:

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Editor’s note: This post was originally published in July, 2014 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.

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