3 ways to keep your team on track with tasks in Confluence

We recently released Confluence 5.5 to improve how you create and manage ad-hoc tasks in the flow of your work. Tasks allow your team to stay transparent, accountable, and most importantly, in one place: Confluence.

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3 ways to use tasks in Confluence

We use tasks all the time at Atlassian. Here are three ways we’ve seen tasks used across our intranet.

1. Meeting follow-up action items

Let’s face it, we all have meetings (often, too many of them). We’ve written quite a bit about how you can use Confluence to make your meetings more meaningful. The most important thing is making sure you know what to do after your meeting is done. You should leave every meeting with a set of action items, otherwise your meeting was probably a waste of time.

2. Retrospective tasks for improvement

At Atlassian we are fully onboard the agile train. All of our development teams practice agile, and a lot of our business teams do as well. In fact, we practice agile on the Confluence Marketing team and plan and complete our work in two-week sprints. At the end of each sprint we have a retrospective that covers what we shipped, and what we didn’t, during that sprint. The most important part of the retrospective is determining how we can improve on our estimations for the future. At the end of each meeting we have action items that each person takes on to make sure we continuously improve the process.

3. Project planning tasks

At Atlassian, we use Jira and Confluence together to plan projects, track work, and complete the project. We start every project with a planning page in Confluence, which gives everyone in the business a high-level overview of the project. We assign tasks right there on the project planning page to other contributors to the project. For the pieces of work that require more robust time tracking and work flows, we put them into Jira so we can include these issues in our agile sprints and make sure they make it through the necessary steps for completeness.

Pro tip: To keep track of all the tasks across specific pages, spaces, or people, you can create a task wrap-up using the task report macro.

Start using tasks today!


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