From beta to GA: how to build a winning API

From beta to GA: how to build a winning API

When you think of an API, you probably don’t picture a bunch of drawings on a whiteboard. But exactly one year ago, our plans for Hipchat Connect were just that. In a year this idea evolved through several stages and finally made it to public GA with over 30 partners. We’ve learned a lot about shipping and partnership in the process, and we hope what we’ve learned will be helpful to other software development teams like yours.

When you think of an API, you probably don’t picture a bunch of drawings on a whiteboard. But exactly one year ago, our plans for Hipchat Connect were just that. In a year this idea evolved through several stages and finally made it to public GA with over 35 partners. We’ve learned a lot about shipping and partnership in the process, and we hope what we’ve learned will be helpful to other software development teams (like yours, maybe).

Like many of you, we believe APIs are the gold standard of product and ecosystem development today. Having a platform that connects your product to a larger market can have huge benefits for your business, your partners who build on the platform, and your end customers. It’s a win-win-win. But with the sheer amount of players involved, developing an API is a unique experience.

About our API

For context, a little bit about Hipchat Connect. It’s an API that enables developers to write conversational apps for Hipchat. It’s the first implementation of Atlassian Connect to be supported both in the cloud and server versions of the product, and works on the web, Mac, Windows and Linux Hipchat Apps. Today, more than 70 Hipchat Connect integrations are available in the Atlassian Marketplace, with more to come.

About shipping

1. Ship fast and iterate

Shipping an API is very different from shipping a product: once it’s out there, it’s out there. Forever. That said, doing things right should never be at the cost of speed. You need developers using your API early on in order to make it competitive. Shipping fast means cutting scope, but it shouldn’t mean cutting corners. Whatever choices we made, we always decided against solutions that would hold us back later on. A few key decisions we took to help with this strategy:

    1. We cut scope aggressively and only kept features that demonstrated the core value of the product.
    2. We took the fastest path to delivery. During the beta stage we made Hipchat Connect invitation-only for developers, and opt-in only for administrators, with a lot of limitations.
    3. We gathered data and feedback from early adopters, through in-product prompts linking to Google forms for end users, and a dedicated Hipchat group where we talked to developers. Among other things, it helped us identify early what approaches would and wouldn’t work at scale.

Words to live by. “Shipping fast means cutting scope, but it shouldn’t mean cutting corners.”

2. Go cloud first

What we all love about cloud is that a cloud MVP can be much, much, leaner than a server-based MVP. You don’t have to live with the impact of your mistakes as long, you can run experiments and collect data to validate ideas, and you can decide the speed at which you release with techniques like feature flags. And, if you combine this with allowing each developer to release to production, with the unit of change being a pull request, it basically means you can test an idea in days instead of weeks. In our case, the first version of Connect in Hipchat Cloud was out in 6 weeks, while the first version of Connect in Hipchat Server took 12 months.

3. Dogfood it to death

To have any chance of shipping a public API in time, we knew we needed a lot of developers to use (and abuse) the API early on. There are several ways you can do this, including recruiting another team within your company, or reaching out to developers from your favorite Meetup group. We started testing within our own company, and shipped an internal alpha to Atlassians to build on during our quarterly ShipIt hackathon. This first step gave us a ton of good feedback to mature the API.

Having dogfooded internally, our next step was to take it to the streets, and by streets, we mean, an external Alpha for partners. Our short timeframe required outside-the-box thinking, which resulted in a Vendor Lab Week, where we invited 12 companies to our office for a week-long hackathon. This was one of the highlights of the project. Our office was buzzing with excitement and there were some great demos unveiled that week! It’s one thing to explain your vision to companies, but quite another when they’re selling it back to you. If this sort of event is within your realm of possibility, we highly recommend it.

About building partnerships

Launching an API without partners is meaningless, that much is clear. But what isn’t always clear is who the right partner would be. You can’t just team up with whoever is out there; it needs to be a mutually beneficial partnership. So, before spreading the word, sit down and define the objectives that will help you land the right partners. Then, do everything you can to win them over and serve their needs.

1. Win your partner’s heart

Partners love it when you prioritize making them successful. One thing we realized very early on was that partners want guidance when it comes to building for you. After all, you know your products and challenges better than they do!

We worked with our partners on the design and implementation of their add-on and it was a great experience for both parties. It forced us to think about the core value proposition of our product and company, as well as where third party apps could play a role. What helped us gain traction with a lot of partners was to paint a vision for the space they work in that showed we cared about their success.

2. Help your partners grow

Here’s something everyone should know: shipping on a new platform doesn’t necessarily produce a sudden rush of users. This expectation can often result in partners falling into an add-on death loop, as illustrated by David Bland’s now famous tweet illustrating the “Product Death Cycle”:

Realizing that continually piling features on top of an existing integration was not going to cut it, we spent time discussing growth tactics with our partners. We advised them to make sure their integrations could be installed by anyone, not just an administrator. We encouraged them to delay asking for a sign up for an add-on until after it had been evaluated. And finally, we had them focus on onboarding, and making sure the user was given a proper tour of the add-on after installing in order to demonstrate its value.

Beware the API integration death loop. Don’t let your partners fall in it.

3. Don’t #@!% the partner

Your partner’s success may live and die by the permissions you set up on your API. While permissions may be set up with the best of intentions, you can potentially hamstring your partner’s integration if there’s too much red tape. For instance, if only a small subset of users can install integrations, and only in a specific context, how can a partner be expected to grow? Take the friction out of the process by keeping everything open by default and offering the ability for admins to lock it down later if they want to.

Got it. Now what?

With APIs, you could keep building more features until the end of time! But first you have to make sure your API is put to good use. Here are some things to consider as you keep growing:

Well there you have it; that’s our story. We’re excited about what our team has come together to build, and we’re looking forward to seeing other dev teams doing similarly great things in the world of APIs.


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