Resolve incidents faster with Jira Service Desk & xMatters

Machine learning and automation can go a long way, but ultimately complex problems still need to be solved by people. In the IT world, this means getting the right person on the right problem — fast.

In a cloud-first world where high performing IT and software teams deploy multiple times a day, mistakes can, and will, happen. What matters most is a fast recovery time.

Recovering fast with DevOps tools

The team with the fastest feedback loop is the team that thrives. Complete transparency and seamless communication using the Atlassian suite enables software teams to minimize downtime and resolve issues faster.

Jira Service Desk’s mission is to make it easy for customers to file requests, and for IT teams to manage and prioritize tickets. Jira Service Desk becomes even more valuable in a toolchain to resolve incidents that includes other Atlassian products: Hipchat for instant communication, Confluence for reference docs and runbooks, Jira Software as the development system of record, and Statuspage to keep customers up to date.

Communicate better with xMatters and Jira Service Desk

We just released a new integration with xMatters, a toolchain communication platform, to help automate and standardize your incident management processes so that your IT teams never misses a beat.

This integration allows IT and customer support teams to automatically communicate with the correct on-call resources to resolve customer issues as they arise. Then the on-call resource can be equipped with the right context to take the appropriate remedial actions. They can even kick off a conference bridge that pulls in additional team members as needed.

This integration will help your IT team:


Get started now

To learn more about the Jira Service Desk and xMatters integration, just click this lovely green button.

Resolve incidents faster

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