Multiexcerpt plugin for Confluence: when once is not enough

Multiexcerpt plugin for Confluence: when once is not enough

Featured add-on: Multiexcerpt Plugin – Select multiple excerpts across a page or across different spaces and recombine them to aggregate your content the way you want.

You want to display content from one page onto another page? Confluence makes that easy. But what if you’re a super-user and want to pull together excerpts from multiple pages or multiple excerpts from a single page?

The Multiexcerpt Plugin, made by Artemis Software, is built for Confluence super-users like you. The add-on lets you aggregate excerpts from as many sources as you want and then allows you to arrange them in a way that displays the content however you want. There’s even a drag-and-drop option built in, so you can include images and screenshots with one click.

How might you use Multiexcerpt? That’s limited only by the needs of your work and the scope of your imagination. Here are a few ways users have implemented Multiexcerpt to optimize their work.

User documentation

Some teams use Multiexcerpt to enhance user documentation. For instance, if a user doesn’t understand a certain term, they can hover over that term and a definition from the glossary – an excerpt – will pop up. You could use in-page user documentation in any situation where users might otherwise have to browse through many pages searching for a particular reference.

Project dashboards

Other teams use Multiexcerpt to create and manage project dashboards, so users can quickly see information from multiple projects and pages. The latest Multiexcerpt release includes a caching feature that reduces load times, making excerpt-heavy pages like dashboards more user friendly.

The Multiexcerpt Plugin from Artemis is available on the Atlassian Marketplace along with more than 1,600 other add-ons that provide an array of solutions based on creative implementations of Atlassian products.

If you’ve ever said, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” there’s a good chance someone else has had that same thought, and there may already be an add-on that does exactly what you need. Browse through the Marketplace to see which add-ons can help you customize Confluence to work exactly the way you need it to.

Try the Multiexcerpt Plugin

About this add-on: Multiexcerpt plugin is an add-on available within the Atlassian Marketplace. This add-on is designed to increase your creativity and productivity by allowing you to customize and enhance your Atlassian applications. Additional information and other add-ons can be found at  Looking to build your own add-on? Check out to see how.

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