Fisheye/Crucible 3.5: Improved performance, better browsing

With great improvements in the user interface and new API calls for managing instances, the 3.5 release will delight both users and administrators of Fisheye and Crucible. We’re proud to announce the following developments:

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Enhance your review experience

One of the primary use cases for Fisheye and Crucible users are browsing code and doing reviews. This is why it’s crucial for us to make sure that we’re providing the best code browsing and review experiences possible. With this new release, we’ve brought the Atlassian Design Guidelines into the file browser and comments. On top of now having a clearer overview of the list of files and directories, we’ve changed the commenting experience in Crucible to provide an improved usability and a seamless experience with other Atlassian products:

Automate project creation and permission management with the REST API

With this new release, we’re closing the loop on the REST API work that we did in Fisheye and Crucible 3.3 and 3.4, where we added new endpoints to manage users, groups, and repositories. You can now also create and manage projects and permissions to allow you to fully handle and automate the configuration of your instance without having to log into the administration interface.

We’ve also published new Python examples on Bitbucket to help you build your own interfaces.

Improved integration with Stash

In Fisheye and Crucible 3.4, we introduced a new integration with Stash allowing you to index your Stash Git repositories in Fisheye and Crucible with a single click from the administration interface. In this 3.5 release, we’re pushing the integration a step further with immediate Stash notifications to Fisheye every time repositories are updated. This means reduced time from executing git push to actually seeing the changes in Fisheye.  This is provided out of the box–no configuration is required, if you have your Stash instance linked to Fisheye.

You can now also extend polling period to to get the best network performance right off the bat. See our documentation on integrating Fisheye with Stash.

Increased number of active repositories with memory usage optimization

Fisheye and Crucible 3.5 use a new passivation mechanism which takes advantage of larger heaps and helps reduce garbage collection activity. This allows us to drastically increase the number of active repositories that can be simultaneously requesting data on large instances. More information can be read in our documentation.

JDK8 Support

Finally, we’re happy to announce that Fisheye and Crucible 3.5 now supports JDK8.

Try Fisheye and Crucible 3.5 today 

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