Docker all the things at Atlassian: automation and wiring

I am still incredibly excited by Docker. The more I think about it, the more I foresee a revolution in software deployment architectures for SaaSs – yes, SaaSs … I am speaking Parseltongue.

If you remember my previous article, I wrote a guide on how to deploy a Java application – Stash – with Docker. That worked pretty well, but I deferred further automation to a later date.

In this second post I am going one step further with automation, exploration, and awesomeness. My long-term plan is simple: one-button cluster deployment of all Atlassian products configured and linked together, ready to go. The latest Docker release makes things even more convenient with container naming and linking support.

In this installment I’ll cover:

Let’s ride further down the automation line.

Before we start: install Docker

A few prerequisites are needed before we start:

You’ll get an Ubuntu 13.04 ready with Docker already running. Now you can ssh into the box with:

vagrant ssh

After you ssh into the Vagrant instance type sudo docker pull base to pull the docker images called base (Ubuntu 12.10 at the moment).

The short version: Install Stash and Jira with PostgreSQL in a jiffy

I brought down the effort of setting up Stash, Jira with PostgreSQL in three containers to a single command. Change directory (cd) into the shared vagrant folder that links your host to the vm (or clone the atlassian-docker project again in the container) and run:


You’re done. Now wait for the whole build to complete and for the Java
processes to startup (it can take several minutes). After that you can access:

Now you can proceed to perform the initial web initialization of Stash and Jira: You’ll be required to enter IP address, ports and database credentials of PostgreSQL. Read below to get the credentials and to learn to inspect the containers.

Inspecting And Wiring Containers

If you’ve been following along, now when you query Docker about the running
containers we get three:

sudo docker ps

ID                  IMAGE                         COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
d11f14b62f75        durdn/jira-6.1.1              /opt/jira/bin/start-   3 minutes ago        Up 3 minutes
c63a987b160f        durdn/stash-2.9.1             /opt/stash/bin/start   4 minutes ago        Up 4 minutes
216abca5886f        zaiste/postgresql             /bin/su postgres -c    5 minutes ago        Up 5 minutes

Stash, Jira, and PostgreSQL are running isolated by themselves in three different containers.

Next step is wiring Stash and Jira to PostgreSQL, and Stash and Jira to each other. You’d think you can just use localhost and use the proper ports everywhere… but you can’t. Containers can’t use localhost because each isolated container is its own localhost.

Because of this, if we want to set up Stash and Jira to use PostgreSQL we have to enter the IP address and port of the database container. Each container has its own randomized hostname and IP Address. So while Docker stabilizes and an official orchestration API emerges, we have to concoct the wiring ourselves.

It’s pretty straightforward, really.

Get the IP addresses of all your containers

We can list all our running containers IDs with:

sudo docker ps  -q 


And pairing the container IDs with their respective IP Addresses:

paste <(sudo docker ps | tail -n +2 | awk {'printf "%s\t%s\n", $1, $2 '}) <(sudo docker ps  -q | xargs sudo docker inspect | tail -n +2 | grep IPAddress | awk '{ print $2 }' | tr -d ',"')

d11f14b62f75    durdn/jira-6.1.1
c63a987b160f    durdn/stash-2.9.1
216abca5886f    zaiste/postgresql

Now we can set up Stash and Jira to point to PostgreSQL running (in my case) on and link Stash and Jira to each other by IP address. Note the credentials below.

Database credentials for Stash:

user: stashuser 
database: stash
password: jellyfish

Database credentials for Jira:

user: jiradbuser 
database: jiradb
password: jellyfish

Under the hoods: Dockerfiles and container wiring

Nifty huh? “Yes, but teach me something new,” you say. What does the pre-packaged
script do under the hoods? It builds containers from Dockerfiles. Let me show
you how.

If you ran the script above you don’t need to execute what is below,
but if you want to start from scratch and do everything step by step you can follow along.

Zero-setup PostgreSQL container (with a shortcut)

To setup PostgreSQL I took a shortcut. If we wanted to, we could write our own Dockerfile, but in this case I built on the work of others. Kind fellow Zaiste provided a Docker image running a stock PostgreSQL.

sudo docker pull zaiste/postgresql

Now you can start PostgreSQL up with a single command:

sudo docker run -d -name postgres -p=5432:5432 zaiste/postgresql

This starts PostgreSQL as daemon on the default port and exposes the same port outside of the container (5432). We also assigned a name – postgres – to the container for easy reference.

Change directory (cd) into the shared vagrant folder that links your host to the vm (or clone the atlassian-docker project again in the container) and initialize the databases and users with a simple:

cd /vagrant

Databases are initialized.

Quick-setup of Stash in a container

Next we can build a Stash 2.9.1 container with a single command. cd into the shared vagrant folder that links your host to the vm (or clone the atlassian-docker project again in the container):

cd /vagrant/stash
sudo docker build -t durdn/stash-2.9.1 .

This will run the Dockerfile that automates so much for us. It will:

Now the container is ready to be started. We can now start it with docker run:

sudo docker run -d -name stash -link postgres:db -p 7990:7990 durdn/stash-2.9.1
(wait) ....

To check the status of the startup phase you can type:

sudo docker logs stash

Done. You now have a running Stash instance at address

Quick-setup Jira container

Building and starting Jira also becomes similarly trivial:

cd /vagrant/jira
sudo docker build -t durdn/jira-6.1.1 .

sudo docker run -d -name jira -link postgres:db -link stash:stash -p 8080:8080 durdn/jira-6.1.1
(wait) ....

Done as well. You can now finish Jira setup at the address

Building containers on your own: the Dockerfiles

You can automate the setup of a container by writing a Dockerfile. The difference between a Dockerfile and say, a puppet or chef manifest, is that every RUN command in a Dockerfile will create a new container – persisted and re-usable – of the status of the machine after the command is executed.

The net result is not only that you’ll have a container that is set up like you want, but further tweaks and descendant containers will reuse all the common steps already performed before.

In my case for example, setting up Stash required installing Java 7. Since all the apt-get trickery to install Java was saved in cached containers, installing Jira – which reused most of the RUN statements – ran in 10th of the time.

Here for your perusal the commented Dockerfiles that take care of the entire setup:

Stash Dockerfile

# Basics

from base:latest
maintainer Nicola Paolucci <npaolucci the at sign>
run apt-get update
run apt-get install -q -y git-core

# Install Java 7

run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y software-properties-common
run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y python-software-properties
run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
run apt-get update
run echo oracle-java7-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install oracle-java7-installer -y

# Install Stash

run apt-get install -q -y curl
run curl -Lks -o /root/stash.tar.gz
run mkdir -p /opt/stash
run tar zxf /root/stash.tar.gz --strip=1 -C /opt/stash
run mkdir -p /opt/stash-home

# Launching Stash

workdir /opt/stash-home
env STASH_HOME /opt/stash-home
expose 7990:7990
cmd ["/opt/stash/bin/", "-fg"]

Jira Dockerfile

# Basics

from base:latest
maintainer Nicola Paolucci <npaolucci the at sign>
run apt-get update
run apt-get install -q -y git-core

# Install Java 7

run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y software-properties-common
run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -q -y python-software-properties
run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java -y
run apt-get update
run echo oracle-java7-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections
run DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install oracle-java7-installer -y

# Install Jira

run apt-get install -q -y curl
run curl -Lks -o /root/jira.tar.gz
run /usr/sbin/useradd --create-home --home-dir /usr/local/jira --shell /bin/bash jira
run mkdir -p /opt/jira
run tar zxf /root/jira.tar.gz --strip=1 -C /opt/jira
run mkdir -p /opt/jira-home
run echo "jira.home = /opt/jira-home" > /opt/jira/atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/

# Launching Jira

workdir /opt/jira-home
run rm -f /opt/jira-home/.jira-home.lock
expose 8080:8080
cmd ["/opt/jira/bin/", "-fg"]

Assorted Tips

Read more about Docker on our Developer Blog.

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