So, your manager just quit—now what?

The day starts out like any other. You get your morning coffee, hop into the car, and head to work. But just as you pop your head in for a “good morning” to your boss, you see a vision that changes your job forever:

An empty desk.

The rumor mill spins. You hear your manager just quit. Suddenly your work life becomes a maelstrom of decisions. What about that special project they had you running? What about your performance review in six weeks—who’s giving that? Who’s going to fill in for your manager? Someone better? Someone worse

It’s not an everyday situation, true. But neither is it uncommon. Some 40% of the workforce reported plans of leaving their current job within the last year. As solid as a relationship you might have with your boss, they might not feel the same about their current position.

Depending on who your manager was, their leaving can be either a great thing, a terrible thing, or something ambiguous in between. Figuring out what it means is just one of the uncertainties you’ll face today. No matter what the scenario might be, you’re going to need some next steps.

What To Do When Losing Your Manager Is A Bad Thing

Not every boss is as bad as Ebenezer Scrooge. A great manager can be the primary source of joy at your work. They’re encouraging, motivating, challenging, and understanding. If it weren’t for them, you might not be sure you’d enjoy the company half as much as you do.

According to a Boss Barometer Report, good bosses are more common than you might think. Almost 90% of people report respecting their bosses. About 80% believe the feelings are mutual.

A bad boss leaving your workplace can be a relief. But if you loved your boss, you’re in a bit of a pickle.

Open Communication With Your Boss’s Boss

Unless your boss owned the company, then they, too, have a boss. They just became the key decision-maker in your life. Now’s the time to open lines of communication with them and get some certainty about the next steps.

This is so important, in fact, you should probably get acquainted even before your boss ever shows signs of quitting

“The more you are known and respected by people above you, the better off you are from a career standpoint,” says Priscilla Claman, president of Career Strategies. 

Karen Dillon, co-author of “How Will You Measure Your Life?”, recommends showing your boss’s boss that you’re engaged. “If your boss’s boss is giving a lunch talk or a town hall meeting, go to it. Sit in front. Ask questions. Continue the conversation in the hallway.”

What To Do In The Current Moment

I know what you’re thinking. “Great advice. But I don’t have a time machine to go back to six months ago.”

Your boss just quit, and you don’t feel prepared. Here’s what you can do if you find yourself feeling stuck:

Manage Your Emotions

Critical as it is, staying calm is only one step in managing your emotions. You also should avoid the natural instinct to engage in “affective forecasting.”

Affective forecasting is what happens when we project our reactions to events that haven’t happened yet. It’s a natural instinct as we try to map our way through uncertain scenarios. 

But it also has a potentially negative effect: clouding our judgment. It can bias us for or against certain events.

If clear-headedness is your goal, here’s one effective way King University recommends avoiding the negative consequences of affective forecasting: disconnect

In other words, lay off the social media. Stay away from the water cooler. Before you make any judgments about what went down between your boss and the company, gather all the facts. Objectivity in times of crisis might not seem like a sexy superpower, but sound decision-making is always the way to go.

What To Do When Losing Your Boss Is A Good Thing

Call it addition by subtraction. There’s no getting around this basic fact of life: some bosses are terrible. Even worse, a bad manager is a major stress input: 75% of people report a bad boss as the primary source of their work-related angst.

But before you bust out the celebration music and blow confetti all over your colleagues’ cubicles, you need a plan of action. Your workplace just became a freshly-tilled field of opportunities for growth. There’s no time to capitalize quite like the present.

What To Do Before Your Manager Quits

You know those kits that say “Break In Case Of Emergency?” If your current boss’s situation is stable, it wouldn’t hurt to put one together right now. The best time to buy an umbrella, after all, is when the sun is shining.

You don’t have a time machine, so if your boss just quit, this section might not help you. But if you feel your company is on the cusp of some major changes, there’s no time like the present to prepare yourself accordingly.

Reframing Upheaval Into Opportunity

Done right, transition in your team doesn’t have to throw you for a loop. But it should throw you into action. When a boss quits, it has the potential to upset the status quo and throw a team’s status up in the air. Depending on what you want to do—whether you want to follow your boss to a new company or seize the initiative at your current company—the simple lesson is: plan. Fight the instinct to be reactive and get proactive about your future.

Handle it the right way, and you probably won’t even need the time machine.

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