New in Bamboo: branch status dashboard and plan configuration export

Earlier this month, Atlassian had its biggest event of the year – Atlassian Summit. I was lucky enough to attend as one of the Bamboo booth staff where I got to meet and talk to a lot of our passionate customers. One of the most requested features by our customers was the ability to export plan configurations as a YAML file. Administrators can then templatize, share and modify this file through code instead of the tedious task of doing all that manually. I am happy to announce that we’ve been working on exactly that.

Bamboo 5.14 is here! Branch status dashboard and plan configuration export.

Read on to learn what’s new in Bamboo 5.14.

Plan configurations export as a YAML file (beta)

In previous versions of Bamboo, users did not have access to a granular view of plan configurations besides what they get from the Bamboo UI, which is very limited and cannot be parsed or accessed through code. With this release, you can now export plan configurations or deployment projects as a human-readable YAML file by selecting Configuration > Actions > View or via REST API. With the YAML file, you will be able to track your plan changes and diff them against other plans. Export configurations as a YAML file is just the first milestone to the Configuration as Code capability which will ultimately lets you export, import, version control your build configurations, and link YAML files to your version control system all through code. t’s important to note that this feature is still in beta and only Administrators, at this time, will have access to it. We encourage you to provide your feedback as we will continue to improve the output format in future releases.

Pro tip Export plan configurations as a YAML file and diff it against other plans to easily track changes all through code.

Branch status dashboard

With so many plans and builds, staying informed of your branch plans status is a challenging and time-consuming task. The new branch status dashboard in Bamboo 5.14 provides developers with an easy way to monitor, view, search, and manage plans in a single, intuitive dashboard. It enables you to customize and add plans to a specific branch with ease so that you can ship validated code faster. We’ve made Branch Status feature accessible from plan-related pages so you can get all branch-related information in a few clicks.

Monitor, view, search and manage branches in Bamboo 5.14

Bamboo Server AWS

Get up and running with Bamboo and Amazon Web Services (AWS) in minutes with the new Bamboo Server EC2 wizard. There are no special prerequisites, configurations or knowledge required to run Bamboo Server on AWS. Get started with Bamboo Server and AWS and decrease the overall time and effort spent in setting up and managing infrastructure.

Subversion repository configuration enhancements

In previous versions, to configure a build branch, you would have to type the full path of that particular branch, which was a painful and error-prone task. With Bamboo 5.14, we’re giving you the ability to automatically set Branch URL and Branch path by only typing the branch name so you can easily manage multiple projects at a granular level.

New API for Version Control System repositories

The team has made some changes to the repository API by adding new plugin points, new web repository viewers, and a rebuilt Bamboo repository subsystem. Learn more about the API changes.
Due to these changes, we recommend that you to check for any plugins incompatibilities, especially if they’re not officially supported by Atlassian, before installing Bamboo 5.14.

Plugins that are particularly prone to incompatibilities and require special attention are those that deal with:

Bamboo 5.14 provides you with an easy way to track plan configuration and get all branch-related information in one place, so you can focus more on writing code and less on managing plans. For a complete list of what’s new and improved, see here.

Get Bamboo 5.14

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