The 20:80 Rule

This is a guest blog by Ken Hudson, author of the forthcoming book The Idea Accelerator—How to solve problems faster using Speed Thinking.

The 20:80 Rule

by Ken Hudson

This is a blog about the 20:80 rule. Yes, you have read this correctly. This is not the famous Pareto’s Principle which states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes or typically when applied to business, suggests that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customers.
Hudson’s Rule
No, this is a more important concept which I call Hudson’s Principle which states that a 20% disruption to a business needs to have an 80% return for it to be considered a worthwhile initiative. Which is a roundabout segue to Atlassian’s 20% time experiment that they announced on the developer blog a couple weeks back. I’m fascinated with how individuals and companies spur innovation. I’ve had a chance now to interview the founders of the business (Mike and Scott) to ask them about their intentions with the 20% time experiment. The concept is pretty simple: Atlassian are looking for ways to continue their amazing track record of innovation and growth through the introduction of a 20% time trial for the next six months. In short, this means that the engineers can spend up to 20% of their time on their own projects that they feel are important or would like to do.
If this sounds familiar then it should be. Google have been banging on about their 20% free time for their engineers for the past few years now with considerable success but exactly how it works remain a bit of a mystery (nothing is new however because 3M have been doing it for years). However, what is new is that Mike and Scott are willing to share their success (or otherwise) with their customers, partners and employees. This is also no small venture as they are willing to invest $US 1 Million in opportunity costs in this experiment.
Why it might just work
Let’s return to Hudson’s Principle. Can a 20% time trial for the engineers have an 80% upside?
Here are some of the reasons why it might:

Why Atlassian might just fail
I have also postulated why the time trial might not work:

For your consideration
I would like to add another thought for consideration. Perhaps time is the wrong measure. Today value is created by what is produced rather than the time taken to do it. In the future I wonder if the rule should be the 20% results or output rule. This might mean that you are free to work on projects that interest you as long as 80% of your output is produced (if this takes some people less time than so be it).
I hope the Atlassian’s time trial works. It is big, ‘ballsy’ and open for all to see and learn from. It also is a wonderful way of unlocking the creativity and passion of employees. I’m interested to hear what you think!
Dr. Ken Hudson,
Founder and Chief Breakthrough Thinker,

Atlassian is blogging about its 20% time experiment on the Developer Blog. You can subscribe to just the 20% posts using this feed.

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